Saturday, 18 February 2017

Evolution of Public Administration


to write a reflective essay, to put together and explain the significance of the degree program to your development as a thoughtful public administrator. To this end, we are looking for responses that address:

• what/how you thought about public service before you entered the MSPA program,
• how the program influenced your thinking, and
• what/how you think about public administration and public service now that you are exiting the program.

Your essay should be no more than six (6) pages in length. References, using APA style, go on the 7th page. Overall, your submission should look professional, typed double space in Times New Roman size 12, with standard margins. The text should be written clearly and free of basic writing errors.
The essay should be an example of your best work,
we do expect you to draw on the literature, thinkers, and theories that influenced you in the completion of your MSPA program.

The most important theories, concepts, principles, and ethics that influenced me ( and which I would like to be included in the paper) are :
1- Evolution of Public Administration
- How has the field of public administration evolved?
- What are the concepts and ideas underlying the shifting trends in public administration?  - What can we learn from and what can we critique in these trends?
- What are the implications for practice?

Some suggested References :
- Shafritz, J.M., & Hyde, A.C. (2007) Early voices and the first quarter of the century: 1880s to 1920s. In J.M. Shafritz and A.C. Hyde (Eds.), Classics of public administration. Boston. Thomson, pp. 3-13.
- Shafritz, J.M., & Hyde, A.C. (2007) The New Deal to mid-century: 1930s to 1950s. In J.M. Shafritz and A.C. Hyde (Eds.), Classics of public administration. Boston: Thomson, pp. 65-75.
- Frederickson, H. (1971). Toward a new public administration. Reprinted in J.M. Shafritz and A.C. Hyde (Eds.), Classics of public administration. Boston: Thomson, pp. 296-306.
- Osborne, D. (1993). Reinventing government. Public Productivity & Management Review, 16, 4, 349-356. Kettl, D.F. (2000). The transformation of governance: globalization, devolution, and the role of
- government. Public Administration Review, 60, 6, 488-497.
- Denhardt, R.B., & Denhardt, J.V. (2000). The new public service: serving rather than steering. Public
- Administrative Review, 60, 6, 549-559.

2-Ethical Decision-Making for Public Administrators :
 - What ethical responsibilities do public administrators have ?
- What are the challenges and constraints to ethical decision-making in public organizations?
 - What can and should public administrators do to advance the public interest?
- How far should a public administrator go in pursuing the public interest? What is the public interest?
- How can organizations promote ethical decision-making?

Suggested reference

Wu, X., Ramesh, M., Howlett, M., & Fritzen, S.A. (2010). The public policy primer: managing the policy process. New York: Routledge. Chapters 4-7.
3- Cultural Competency for Public Administrators

 - How does it relate to providing efficient, effective and equitable public services?
- How does cultural competency apply to relationships within public and non-profit agencies, and between agencies and their constituencies?
- What characteristics reflect culturally competent organizational environments, public processes and policies, and service delivery?
- How do we develop cultural competency skills in public administrators?
- How do issues of diversity and cultural competency affect your work as an administrator?

Suggested References :
- Rice, M.F., & Mathews, A.L. (2012). A new kind of public service professional: possessing cultural competency awareness, knowledge, and skills. In K.A. Norman-Major and S.T. Gooden (Eds.), Cultural competency for public administrators. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
- Cross, T.L., Bazron, B.J., Dennis, K.W., & Isaacs, M.R. (1989). Towards a culturally competent system of care: a monograph on effective services for minority children who are severely emotionally disturbed. CASSP Technical Assistance Center. Georgetown University Child Development Center.
- Benavides, A. (2012). Cultural competency in Hispanic communities. In K.A. Norman-Major and S.T. Gooden (Eds.), Cultural competency for public administrators. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
- Swan, W., French, M., & Norman-Major, K.A. (2012). Cultural competency around sexual and gender orientation and identity. In K.A. Norman-Major and S.T. Gooden (Eds.), Cultural competency for public administrators. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe

4-Collaborative network & leadership
Collaborative networks
- How networks function
- How people function in networks as managers, that is, what skills and managerial techniques are used in diverse types of networks compared to hierarchical organizations
- what impact networks have on decision making, policy outputs and outcomes, and democratic values of governance
Leadership and associated skills of deliberation, teamwork , problem solving, negotiations, cooperate and decision-making ( in multi culture settings) .

Suggested references:
• H. Brinton Milward and Kevin G. Provan. 2006. A Manager’s Guide to Choosing and Using
Collaborative Networks. Washington, DC: IBM Center for the Business of Government.
• Rosemary O’Leary and Lisa Blomgren Bingham. 2007. A Manager’s Guide to Resolving Conflicts in Collaborative Networks. Washington, DC: IBM Center for the Business of Government.

5- The role and the importance of the public policy analysis

Analytical and critical thinking skills to inform public and community problem-solving and
decision-making processes

General notes
• Please note that the paper should discuss public administration in USA.
• Every part, paragraphs or lines should be cited very carefully.
- Please choose from above only 3 or 4 topics, which can be developed thoroughly and strongly. ( I will let this step to your judgment), and you may suggest different ones, too.
- there should be no subheadings titles. All the topics and paragraphs should be obviously presented as a whole.
- every topic should present how/why and in which way studying and exploring this concept ( topic) influenced me and impacted my skills and thoughts. Also, how it plays a vital role in public administration.

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