Sunday 26 February 2017

Finite Element Analysis & Analytical Structural Mechanics

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Finite Element Analysis Report (Semester 1) “Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is usually used to fine tune the geometry of a design that is still on the drawing board, before working models are built and tested. FEA is also used to debug an existing prototype” This assessment mimics a genuine piece of analysis that was undertaken when a manufacturer was alarmed to find a relatively high warranty rate in their basic aluminium mountain bike frames. Working in groups of two, you will create a three-dimensional model using the geometric data provided below. You may use any package you prefer to create the model geometry. You will then undertake Finite Element Analysis to consider a simplification of the fatigue test specified within EN 14781. You will do this using two distinct FEA methods. You will then assess the validity of each of the two methods you have used. You will be given key input parameters to allow you to undertake the work, but marks are available for additional research / analysis over and above the basic schedule proposed. You will undertake sensitivity analysis to see what effect minor changes to your simulation strategy have on your outcomes. Once you have run your models you will need to consider validation and verification and compare your outputs against appropriate failure criteria. Finally you will 2 comment upon the results you have obtained and consider if any improvements or refinements are needed in either the structure or the analysis procedure you have followed. You will present your work in the form of a concise analysis report of no more than 2,500 words (one report per pairing). There is no page limit - images and data plots are expected to be used judiciously.

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