Sunday 26 February 2017

Female Support in Combat Arms Units



The female genders physical and mental ability to handle occupation in combat arms units within the US Army has recently been lifted, but the acceptance among military peers and superiors is still under question (Lindy, 2012). This is to include how the services will implement them into current combat arms units. This paper is to target the physical, implementation, and organizational cultural issues that hinder females from securing a successful transition into direct combat units. To fail in this regard means an equal opportunity setback for the services and a continuance of limited personnel pool for future sustainable/combat operations. If a setback occurs, females in the service will continue to be disregarded as equals in the services and push implementation back another decade as seen from the Marines attempt to integrate in the early 2000’s. This study will focus on the US Army side of combat arms units/implementation with data from current junior and senior leadership males and females.

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