Sunday 26 February 2017

IT essay writing


1. Every system development approach\methodology predicates that good teamwork is critical to developing good quality software systems. Elaborate and discuss whether this is true or false.

2. Each of Porter’s Five Forces of Competitive Position can be influenced by the use of information systems. Elaborate and discuss how and why different systems can influence different forces differently.

3. Elaborate and discuss whether adopting an integrated approach to industrial information system provision (such as the products offered by vendors such as SAP, Oracle and others) is a good or a bad thing for organisations of different sizes.

4. The decision to invest in Information Systems should not be the sole the responsibility of the system providers. Elaborate and discuss whether this is true or false.

5. Different components and levels of an enterprise have differing requirements of their information systems, even when they are dealing with the same data sets. Elaborate and discuss whether this is true or false.

6. The liability for damage caused due to an error in a technology-based system should always lie with the developer who made the error. Elaborate and discuss whether this is true or false.

7. Elaborate and discuss how the effectiveness of spending money on activities in fields such as marketing, communications, image and corporate and social responsibility can be assessed using information systems in industry.

You are required to not only answer the question on the topic itself but also to:

Write in a credible academic style

Relate your answer to current literature on the subject

Reference all facts and contextualise opinions in your work using the Harvard referencing system

Provide a bibliography of all cited works (using the Harvard system)

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