Sunday 26 February 2017

An institution focused study of the Lagos Business School Employability Skills Development Approach


Student and career support systems are implemented in varying forms by higher education institutions(HEIs) globally, however knowledge about career-related interventions in higher education and their impact on students’ career progression in the Nigerian labour market remains limited. By educating students on the employability skills requirements of employers, universities can assist students with developing a persistent advantage in the labour market. Following on the content analysis of 8 global Higher education institutions in my Methods of Enquiry 2 assignment, this study proposes to explore the various paradigms and approaches that a leading Nigerian university, the Lagos business school(LBS) of the Pan Atlantic University utilizes for employability skills development.

Reviewing the policies and practices of LBS is useful, as a first step, towards gaining a clear understanding of the strategies currently implemented within the Nigerian educational system. Evidence from faculty, program implementers, alumni and students will create a platform for measuring and creating further success in these areas, ultimately benefiting the Nigerian educational system, employers and society at large.

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