Tuesday 28 February 2017

American Business-Robber Barons & Reformers 1865-1900


Using the White and Wiebe (readings up to this point) texts, characterize in 3 pages how the structure of American business and finance change during the period from 1865-1900. You will use the White text more heavily than the Wiebe one. What drove this change? What new shapes did it take, and what, if any, old shapes did it retain? What were the most important traits of “modern” American business and finance after the railroads? What kinds of people played a role in this transformation?
Then in one final page, express a position: was America better off by the turn of the century because of this, or not?

Support your position with specific passages (correctly cited) from the White text.

Typed, 4 pages, double-spaced, one-inch margins, Times New Roman font. These must be uploaded in Microsoft Word format.

To my understanding I am to have close to 4 complete pages. An "A" on the paper would be helpful, but I understand if it is not feasible.
I have uploaded the first assignment that I submitted for the class. Which was a Precis over the "White" book. I hope this helps, please reach out for more information.

Below are the texts that the assignment is referring too.

Richard White, Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America (Norton, 2011)

Robert H. Wiebe, The Search for Order, 1877-1920 (Hill and Wang, 1967)

Below is a description of the course:
The history of the Gilded Age has frequently been told as a story of economic growth, the rise of big business, and changes in the American business environment that led to the emergence of business innovations like vertical integration and the trust. The response to the rapid and dramatic chan

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