Tuesday 28 February 2017

democratic politics

First assessment: An essay of 2000 words due - in which students will be asked to answer one essay question on a topic covered in the first few lectures
“Most of those whose object it has been to instruct us…distinguish three kinds of constitutions, which they call kingship, aristocracy, and democracy. Now we should, I think, be quite justified in asking them to enlighten us as to whether they represent these three to be the sole varieties or rather to be the best; for in either case my opinion is that they are wrong. For it is evident that we must regard as the best constitution a combination of all these three varieties…” (Polybius History, book IV.3) Discuss with reference to ancient critiques of democracy and Polybius’ theory of the blended constitution.

Essay must offers a highly developed understanding of key theories, models, principles and practices of democracy within a Western European context. Excellent understanding of direct and indirect democracy; and classical democratic theories. Excellent use of evidence and relevant Western European examples to illustrate and back up answers. Draws effectively on a variety of relevant sources, including outside material.

Your work should be double spaced in font size 12 and in Ariel type face. It should be fully referenced in the Harvard system, and include a full bibliography. Please ensure that you submit a final copy of your work to SASC on the due date, and that you also submit a copy to Turnitin.

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