Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Business Law "What Laws Handle Internet Purchases"

Topic: What Laws Handle Internet Purchases?

Tax laws in each state are different so I think that would be an interesting topic to write about, there are only a few states left that don’t charge some sort of sales tax on online purchases. Businesses need to accommodate for that when they do online sales and make sure they charge the right amount of tax on purchases that are made in states with an online sales tax and states that don’t have a sales tax for online purchases.

From some searches I found a few different rules/laws that apply to online purchasing.
• Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule
o The Rule, issued in 1975, requires sellers who solicit buyers to order merchandise through the mail, via the Internet, or by phone to have a reasonable basis to expect that the sellers can ship within the advertised time frame, or, if no time frame is specified, within 30 days.

• Fair Credit Billing Act
o FCBA" A federal law designed to protect consumers from unfair credit billing practices. The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) provides guidelines for both consumers and creditors including procedures to manage disputes regarding billing statements.

I can write about the FTC’s role in online purchasing and the regulations/policies that they’ve put in place to protect buyers.

Ebay and Amazon have very strict policies to make sure that the buyer is protected. So they try to protect their consumers by having a good dispute system to make sure that the item that the consumer bought was advertised correctly and delivered to that specification. Ebay and Amazons buyer/seller agreements would be something that I could read into and find what they consider to be false advertisement and how they protect their customers

Ordering online from foreign countries, knowing your seller and making sure that the product is legit and how to deal with scams if you’re ever involved. I’d have to do a little bit more research on what kind of laws would pertain to this.
From Syllabus

Each student is to propose to the Instructor by February 11, 2017, their proposed Term Paper topic, with a brief synopsis of the scope of the paper. You are encouraged to select a topic for your Term Paper that is based on the suggested topics listed above, or, choose a topic that relates to your work or your interests, and has a tie to Business Law.

The Term Paper should be at least five (5) pages, but less than 7 pages in typed double spaced format. At least 3 outside references should be cited for your paper, with appropriate accreditation and references included as a supplement to your paper. A Title Page with your name, date and title of the Term Paper is required.

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