Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Scientific Research Evaluation

This assignment students are supposed to read and review an article (which I will provide) about some sort of scientific experiment. We must use the scientific method of how we thought the experiment went.

A.Find the main purpose and key question of the experiement. Identify the hypthesis, dependant variable and independand varibale of the experiment.
B.Find the point of view of the article as well as the significant underlying questions. How credible were the references used by the authors about previous studies? Any bias?
C.Find the most important scientific imformation linked to the experimental design. Briefly describe the procedure and identify the control. What are the key scientific concepts involved.
D. Analyze the results. In one paragraph explain what happened. What is one major finding? Did the results support the hypothesis? Did you find any patterns or trends not mentioned by the author?
E. Find the Main Conclusion for the experiment. Are these conclusions over generalized or appropiate? Are there any other factors not mentioned by the aurthor that could have influenced the results?
F. Find the Main Implications of both accepting and or rejceting the findings of the particular paper. Suggest any possible future research studies to clarify their results or improve them.
G. Analyze the credibilty of the sources cited by the aurthors to support their research, as well as the crediblity of the research paper as a whole.
H. Your Opinion. Do you think this is a good experiment? What do you think of the results? List 2 references you will use to verify some of the scientific information found in this article.

Write a 2 page minimum report using the information fro the article
Using complete sentances, and an objective voice.
Do not label or number each paragraph.

Points will be distributed by:
1. Top of 1st page: My name, Title of the article, journal, year, author
2. Main purpose and key question
3. Point of view and underlying questions
4. Scientific information linked to experimental design and key concepts
5. Analysis of results
6. Main Conclusion
7. Main Implications
8. Analysis of credibility of sources
9. Your opinion
10. Overall presentation; correct grammar and paragraph flow, and include copy of article.

Below is the link for the article that I chose to write about. I know this is short term, but I am hoping that someone could help me on this. I am not looking for A+ work, B would be better if that makes any sense. Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you


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