Sunday 26 February 2017

Environmental Economics


Environmental Economics Project:
Purpose: to learn how to apply an economic tool such as cost benefit analysis or multicriteria
analysis to examine an environmental issue.
1) Individual presentation on plans for written assignment
Students are expected to identify a potential topic for written assignment project
make initial research on it, and to develop tentative plans for undertaking the project. The plans
are to be summarised in a 5-minute presentation.
Presentation (due late-March): 4 to 6 slides maximum
o Title
o Background of issue to be addressed
o Tool that will be used/approach
o Challenges?
2) Assignment: Apply an economic tool such as cost-benefit analysis or multi-criteria analysis
to examine an environmental issue.
Previous years people targeted issues like:
o Assessing the Sustainability of Biofuels
o Applying Multi Criteria Analysis to the Expansion of a Wind Farm
o A Cost-Benefit Analysis for a High-Speed Rail

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