Sunday 26 February 2017

Victmology Research paper


Research Paper Instructions
Paper Requirements:
The paper should be typewritten using a 12-point Times New Roman font and double spaced. The length of the paper needs to be 7-10 pages (excluding the cover sheet and references pages). Points will be deducted from any paper that does not meet the minimum 7 page requirement OR that goes over the maximum 10 page requirement. Papers should include a cover page listing the title of your paper, your name, the professor’s name, the course name/number and semester. All pages except the cover page should be numbered. The number of pages each section should be is references besides the title of the section. Students may or may not exceed the page count for each section and will not be penalized for such actions.

Format of the Research Paper:

Introduction: 1 page
• Identify and clearly define the issue
• Briefly discuss what research has been preformed on the issue
• Identify the gaps that exist in current research
• Discuss how the selected theoretical framework and arguments made within your analysis fill the existing gap

Literature Review: 3 pages
The purpose of a literature review is to summarize the findings from other studies on the topic you are writing about. Students are expected to search online databases for research that relates to their topic and write a brief review of the literature on the topic. Your goal is to identify and review what previously published research on your topic has found to date. You are not trying to list all the material published. You are trying to identify relevant information, synthesize and present the key findings/conclusions.
Upon reading each article, you will notice themes that reoccur such as findings on gender, socio-economic income, etc. You need to organize these findings into themes within your own paper. For instance, all the findings about gender will be discussed in one paragraph. There is an example below that shows you how to present the information:

"Exercising restraint when faced with the opportunity to kill illustrates the specific motivations that are unique to the context of killing. Soldiers kill in war out of loyalty to their country (Overland, 2006); some are reluctant to kill, hesitant to even fire a weapon in combat (Fabre, 2012). A study conducted by Marshall (1947) during World War II found that only one quarter of soldiers fired their weapons directly at the enemy (Jones, 2006). Although many men chose to fire their weapons because they were commanded to do so or because their colleagues did so, some soldiers engaged in ‘mimic firing’ to avoid killing another person even during combat (Nadelson, 2005)."
Notice how there is a topic sentence that introduces the theme of the paragraph, then is followed by research findings that support this theme.

Literature should be referenced directly from the source. Refrain from relying on secondary citations. Heavy reliance on this form of citation will result in deductions.

Theoretical Framework: 1 page
In this section, you will be required to define and discuss ONE theory that you will be applying to the issue in the next section of your paper. Ensure that the theory you select helps explain the phenomenon/issue you are examining.

Students may discuss the shortcoming of the proposed theory and suggest other theories that may help aid this limitation, however, refrain from performing a full analysis on a secondary theory. This action limits the fluidity and clarity of your paper.

Analysis Section: 2-3 pages
In this section, students are expected to examine the issue through the lens of the theoretical framework. How does the theory explain what is occurring in the issue? Does the theory provide an understanding of the processes and/or logic that are occurring? The purpose of this section is to provide explanatory power as to how/why your issue may be occurring. The theoretical framework that students select is applied to proffer a deeper understanding of the social/psychological circumstances of the issue, and aid in the understanding of why such an issue occurs.

Policy Implications: 1 page
The purpose of this section is to address existing policy that relates to your issue and how the implications of such policy positively or negative effects the issue. If there is an absence of policy regarding the select social issue, discuss potential policy recommendations that could be resolve your issue on an interpersonal and/or state level.

Consider the following questions when writing this section:
• What policies either act to prevent or create the circumstances of your issue?
• What policies are in place to prevent your issue from happening?
• What are some solutions you would propose to your issue, and how can they be shaped into policy recommendations?

Conclusion: ½-1 page
In this section, summarize the following:
• The main argument made in your paper
• Key points emphasized within your paper and how they provide a foundational understanding for your main argument/analysis
• Propose future research topics that have not been addressed in YOUR OWN paper as well as have not been examined by previous researchers. Such topics may be based on any critiques made of the literature when performing your research.

It is expected that 7-10 references (in addition to any readings that have already been assigned for the course) from respected journals, edited volumes or books in the field will be used (seven is the minimum – you may have more than ten). Official news outlet sources are also acceptable, however it should be grounded in empirical research and not opinion. Remember you are reviewing the empirical evidence for your topic, not presenting opinions of various people. However, when reading through the literature, you may offer critiques about the research design, methodology, sample or the findings, if you wish to. A critique of a piece of research is an impersonal review to highlight the strength and limitations of the study.

All sources should be cited in the text and included in a reference list at the end of the paper according to the APA style guidelines. A guideline to APA citation style is provided on blackboard for your reference.

Hardcopies of the paper need to be handed in during class. If you are unable to be present in class on that day, make sure to submit the paper prior to the due date to the professor or the TA. Anything submitted after class is over is considered late. Note that you will be penalized 5% for every day that the paper is late.

Additionally, the professor and the TA reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent plagiarism. Papers that present questionable text may be submitted for textual similarity review through

Seeking Help for your Paper:
Students should ask for help from the professor or the TA early in the semester and not wait until the last minute if they are unable to locate appropriate reference materials or need any other assistance. You should be prepared to explain the steps you have taken on your own before seeking the professor or the TA’s help.

Additionally, the Student Learning Centre and the Social Science Library provide academic support and resources to assist students with their writing and library database searches. Individual sessions and group workshops are available. Students are encouraged to reach out in advance and utilize these valuable resources.

Please start on your paper early. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO START ON YOUR PAPER and seek help if needed!

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