Sunday, 19 February 2017

The relationship between leadership style, organizational culture, and job satisfaction in the US healthcare setting.


The manuscript content should be less redundant. For example, the three main research questions are mentioned more than three times in the whole manuscript, when it is possible to accurately present them only once (preferably in the introduction).
2.2. The scientific community is aware of the logic of hypothesis statements (e.g., H0 and H1) and well-known statistical analyses such as OLS regressions. Thus it is not necessary to provide long and complex explanations of each process in the main manuscript unless they are requested. Otherwise, an appendix could be submitted explaining each procedure in a thoughtful manner.
2.3. APA structure might be a good alternative to redact a scientific/academic paper. The structure format is:
a. Abstract
b. Introduction: theoretical background (definitions of variables) and research statement (hypotheses)
c. Method: participants, procedures, and measures
d. Results: only numerical reports in this case (not theoretical discussions)
e. Discussion and conclusions (theoretical analysis based on the results found)

2.4. It is important to remark that the purpose of this study is to find not only a mere statistical correlation (which could be obtained through a Pearson or Spearman correlation analysis) but also a causal relationship through a regression model (ordinary least squares regression).
2.5. Specific construct definitions should be provided. Authors of the instruments usually provide a definition of the construct in their work: this should be mentioned in the paper. For example, the work-related basic need satisfaction scale was used to measure job satisfaction, but the authors’ (Broeck et al., 2010) definition of the construct does not appear in the introduction.
2.6. With regard to construct definition, according to literature, job satisfaction is an attitude/mental state and organizational commitment is predominantly a behavior. Thus, organizational commitment does not seem to fit in this report."

Using a primary data for this article and this price is final. Client is not responsible for any additional work spend on this project or payments.
If the author decide to go over the 12 pages, that fine, but I will not be responsible for paying that additional work
Witting a peer review journal article using quantitative data and here is the topic:The relationship between leadership style, organizational culture, and job satisfaction in the US healthcare setting. Writter will collect the data using a survey that they will design.
Title Page
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature/Theoretical underpinning
5. Methodology
6. Results/Findings
7. Discussion
8. Implication to Research and Practice
9. Conclusion
10. Future Research
11. 90% of the references must have a DOI’s

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