Tuesday 21 February 2017

Research on Suicide



Write a research paper of 7–9 pages of body text (not counting your title page, abstract, and works cited pages) discussing in current APA format some major aspect of spirituality/Christianity and some aspect of violence (crime, sexual assault, major accidents, natural disasters, suicide, domestic violence, etc.) Do not provide just a secular viewpoint or just a spiritual perspective. Integrate them using journal articles or book chapters on the topics as sources. Cite everything. Balance the paper with both a biblical worldview and theoretical perspectives.

Choose 1 of the options.

1. Discuss the effect of violence and all or many of its related difficulties together with spirituality in general. Incorporate a biblical worldview throughout. Focus on 1 or several types of intervention and treatment. Use current (8 years or less) research and the Bible to support your approach.
2. Choose a particular type of violence and examine the causes, effects, intervention, and treatment (crime, sexual assault, major accidents, natural disasters, suicide, domestic violence, etc.) Use current (8 years or less) research and the Bible to support your approach.

The 2 options are similar, with the exception that 1 is a general approach and the other applies your examination to a specific area.

• Length of paper: 7–9 pages—Points will be deducted if the paper is fewer than 7 pages or exceeds 9 pages. (Excluding title page, abstract, and references.)
• Include at least 7 current references (within the last 8 years) – points will be deducted for each missing current reference. This is in addition to your textbooks, if you choose to cite from them.
• Follow current APA style. Review the grading rubric for guidance. Points will be deducted for issues with grammar and for typos.
• The paper will be graded on thoroughness, content, and use of theoretical material and integration of biblical perspective.
• Plagiarism—Using or passing off someone else’s work as your own is a serious academic offense. Papers will be submitted through SafeAssign to check for the proper treatment of sources. You may submit a draft version to check your score, edit, if necessary, and then submit to the final SafeAssign submission link.
• Plagiarizing your paper will result minimally in failure of the assignment. Plagiarizing can also result in automatic failure of the course and academic discipline. Make sure that all work is your own or is cited appropriately.

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