Sunday 19 February 2017

Case Study Application Kant


Application Kant - After reading Chapter 4 and Chapter 7 in your text:

Read Case 1 in Chapter 24.
Paragraph 1 - Discuss Kantian Ethics. Include a discussion of the main concepts.
Application - Apply the steps of Kantian Ethics to resolve the main moral issue.
See: Sample Format - Applying Kant, below.
Read feedback - If feedback from the previous assignments informed you of errors please correct those errors for this assignment.
Paragraph 2 - Conclusion
Review the Drop Box Grading Criteria - Applying Kant below.
Do not use quotes unless specifically requested by your instructor. Use your own words.

Paragraph 1

Discuss Kantian Ethics in your own words.

State the Ethical issue in proper format

What should X do about ________________?

1. List possible options. Notice I copy the same options I listed in my analysis chart. If I gave you feedback to correct options be sure to make those corrections.


1. X could ____________________________________.

2. X could ____________________________________.

3. X could ____________________________________.

4. X could ____________________________________.

Apply Categorical Imperative/Universality

1. X could ____________________________________. Would I want all people, consistently, universally to _____________________? Yes

2. Apply universality to every option.

3, Apply universality to every option.

4. Apply universality to every option.

Apply Respect (to remaining options) Is X exploiting someone (using someone for her own benefit)

1. X could ____________________________________. Is X exploiting anyone (using someone as a means to an end for her own gain)? No (so this is a good option).

2. Apply respect to all of the options remaining

3, Apply respect to all of the options remaining.

4. Apply respect to all of the options remaining.

Conclusion – If _________ were a Kantian she could use options:

1, (state what the option is not just the number)
3 (state what the option is not just the number) or
4 (state what the option is not just the number)

Or some combination of all three if necessary

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