Saturday, 18 February 2017

The role of social media in the operation of law enforcement officers


Outline for Research Paper
1. Introduction
A. The role of social media in the operation of law enforcement officers.
I. How police officer use the social media networks to assist in the prevention of crimes and conducting investigations.
II. How social media is changing enforcement of the law.
B. The role of social media in conducting investigation on criminal activities.
I. The usage of modern technology by law enforcement officers in carrying out missions on public safety to prevent occurrence of crimes.
II. The use of social media by criminals, which makes the work of police complex.
C. The adoption of formal policies in enforcement of the law
I. Barriers in the application of law enforcement
2. Research Objectives
A. To assess the community of law enforcement and examine the individuals who take part in crimes investigation
II. To assess the understanding of using the social media among the officers who take part in the enforcement of the law.
B. The level of knowledge about the current resources used by officers of law enforcement.
I. Leverage the social media intelligence during investigations.
3. The use of social media by police
A. The use of social media among police officer to discover criminal activities.
I. The use of social media to collect evidence.
II. The use of social media to pinpoint hiding places of criminals.
B. How Social media can provide a faster way of dealing with an underlying situation.
I. Identification of criminals through the social media.
II. How tweets can assist in the identification of criminal’s networks.
C. How social media can assist the police to learn of scenes of crime through posts on Facebook sites.
I. Geographic searches through social media sites.
II. Identification of any witness though social media sites.
4. Self-Policing
A. The participation of the general public in law enforcement.
I. Benefits to law enforcement officers from the general public reports.
II. Community assistance of a potential offender of crime.
B. How law enforcement officers encourage the public to tweet for any problems that might arise in festivals.
I. How the police officers encourage the public to tweet about any criminal activities that might occur near their place of residence.

5. Adoption of policies to enhance a consistent use of modern technology
I. How investigations can assist in gathering relevant information about on events of terrorism.
II. Comprehensive strategies to incorporate social media usage in enforcement of the law.
A. The implementation of effective measures to tame terrorists and hinder their plans.
I. The use of social media to track the membership of youths in gangs that embark on criminal activities.
II. Identify individuals who are close to committing crimes.
B. The posting of photos of suspects to the public by police officers as an appeal to the members of the public to assist in the investigations.
I. Interruption of criminal activities to resolve on occurrence of crimes.
II. The use of social media networks to communicate with the public on safety matters.
b. The use of Social media to determine Location of criminals
A. Facebook as a source of evidence for criminal activities and revealing various kinds of crimes.
I. An example of a woman from Oklahoma who was identified trying to sell her children on Facebook.
II. How postings on Facebook has turned out in giving evidence about engagement of different individuals in crime.
B.The use of social media accounts to reveal about the hiding places of terrorist and reduce criminal activities.
I. The use of social media accounts in the reduction of criminal activities.
II. How social media has turned out as an efficient tool for law enforcement agents in the search for justice.
C.How police officers can gather information on Facebook.
I. Criminals make use of social media to update information about their current location to assist in reducing levels of crime.
6. Impacts of the use of social media
A. The emergence of new forms of technology and how individuals can use the social media to attack police officers.
I. How the integrity of some police officers is compromised.
II. How lack of integrity among police officers can put the testimonies in courts at a risk.
III. How cop baiting can affect the process of enforcement of the law in a negative way, affecting the welfare of police officers.
7. Threats of Social Media to the Police
A. How the use of social media can result to false accusations among police officers.
I. The available websites allow anyone to post their feeling about the department of police.
II. The individuals who want to violate the law make use of social media platforms to intimidate police officers.
B. An example of an individual who post a photo of a daughter to a police officer to manipulate them.
I. Threats might affect the welfare of police officers and affect their motivation at the places of work.
8. Methodology
A. Qualitative research
I. The use of structured interviews in the department of police based in California.
B. Quantative research
I. Conducting statistical data for the police officers who make use of social media in policing and on intelligence perspective.
9. Conclusion
A. The significant role of social media in the activities of criminal investigation.
I. Research on activities of terrorism
II. Identification of suspects
III. Acquisition of crucial information for the future use.
B. Emergence of new forms of social networks.
I. Provision of vivid insights to the public members.
II. Social media important role in carrying out investigation and revealing criminal activities.
III. The need to promote ethical use of social media networks.

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