Tuesday 28 February 2017

Human Resources Management (HRM)

My major is HR, and I completed master degree. I am planning to apply for doctoral degree. I need to select a topic first of all, then write a proposal. Please send me list of topics related to my major and is related to my supervisor interest. Below is her information. Once we agree on a topic, I will ask you to write the proposal.

I completed my doctoral research at Aston University and entered academe since. My academic experience thus spans more than 2 decades from postgraduate research student at the Aston University, through Manchester and Birmingham Business Schools, to the present day at Salford Business School.
I have provided academic leadership as the Director of the Research Centre for People, Work & Organization (2003-2009) and Research Centre for Organizational Behaviour and Leadership (2009- 2011), and through supervision of doctoral researchers. Over the past 7 years 7 doctoral candidates under my supervision have completed their thesis and graduated from Salford University.
I have been involved over the years in various research projects sponsored by such funding bodies as EPSRC , ESF, ESRC, KTP. The outcomes of these projects have been judged by the funding bodies frequently as outstanding [e.g. the EBK project].
I am one of the cofounders of OLC-MENA (the Organizational Learning Conference- Middles East and North Africa), which held its inaugural in November 2012 in Abu Dhabi. The second Conference will be in /October 2013 in Dubai. The other cofounders are Dr Garad and Dr Khouri.
I presented my key note speech along with Peter Senge and Jeff Gold.
I have taught on Post graduate and Undergraduate courses over the past 2 decades.
My teaching subject areas mainly fall under the discipline of Organization Theory and Organizational Behaviour. Within such disciplines I teach the following subject areas and have done over years:
• organization structure & design
• new forms of organizing and work
• leading change and innovation
• managing change
• organizational learning & sense making
• management thoughts & paradigms
• managerial and leadership behaviour
• organizational misbehaviour
• managing groups & teams
The main focus is and has been on micro and macro aspects of organization and organizing.
Further to the above I also teach Research Methods to the Post Graduate students at Master and PhD levels. This includes Research Design, Doing Qualitative Research, Ethnography, Preparing for research degree assessments and so on.
Research Interests
Sudi’s research areas can be summarized as follows: Managing Organizational Change and Innovation, Organizational Sense making, Organizational Learning, Politics of Change, Ethnography of Doing Research, Product Design and Development. She is currently collaborating on research with colleagues in Universities across UK and Europe [Sheffield, Sweden and the Netherlands] which focuses on the developments in Home-based Teleworking and the implications for the European Labour Market. In addition, Sudi is one of the cofounders of OLC-MENA (the Organizational Learning Conference- Middle East and North Africa),which successfully held its inaugural in November 2012 in Abu Dhabi and the next conference is being organized and planned for October 2013 in Dubai, UAE. Sudi has completed an ESRC project classified as ‘outstanding’ into how SME’s know and learn. She acts as a consultant on managing change in Knowledge Transfer Projects and has been working with an NHS Trust on developing ‘a tool kit’ for assessment of stroke patients. She has had various roles including managing the graduate teaching scheme and doctoral programme as well as leading Research Centres. She has successfully graduated 9 PhD students.
Qualifications and Memberships
PhD (Aston) in Management and Managerial work
MSc (Aston) HRM
A sample of papers published and presented
• “Virtually co-located product design teams: Sharing teaming experiences after the event? (with Kul Pawar) International Journal of Production and Operations Management. 2002, 22: 6

• Organizational Learning and Resistance to Change in Estonian Companies. (With Ruth Alas). Human Resource Development International.5: 3. September 2002

• “Demystifying the Learning Processes in Collaborative New Product Development". (with Helen Perks).International Journal of New Product Development, Innovation and Management, Vol. 5:3, 2003

• “Ticking time and side cupboards: the journey of a patient”. In Czarniawska Barbara & Gagliardi Pasquale: Narratives We Organize By. John Benjamins Publishing Company 2003

• “The bind of habit: problems with pragmatic views of organization” (with Robin Holt-EBK). Paper submitted to the Organizational Knowledge and Learning Conference (OKLC), Innsbruck, Austria. 2-3 April 2004

• “Lifting the Veil: Liberation or repression of women”. (with Chris Rees). Paper presented at the EURAM Annual Conference, Munich, Germany May 2005

• “Accounting for Organization: Round up the usual suspects: (With Ossie Jones and Steve Conway). Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 17: 2-3 Pp 283 February-April 2006

• “Organization Transformation in Transition Economies: Studying Change from Learning and Complexity theory Perspective”. (with Michael Zhang). “EIASM 2nd Workshop on ‘Organizational Change and Development in Transitional Countries. Vilnius, Geiminas Technical University, Vilnius Lithuania, October 2007

• “Organization, Fairness & Commitment: A review with a view”. (with Bandar Abu-Tayeh). Paper submitted to EURAM 8th -Ljubljana & Bled-Slovenia, 14-17 May 2008

• “Sense making Recipes: Examples from Small firms”. (with Michael Zhang). International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 15:6, 2009

• "China and Estonia in flux: is this a valid basis for comparison of their approaches to change management”, (with Ruth Alas) Engineering Economics, 2: 62, 2009
Awaiting Referees comments
• “Foreseeing the past and reflecting the future: Losing, unlearning and forgetting it”, (with Julia Claxton)- Learning Organization Journal
Papers in Preparation:
• “To manage change or not to manage change: what is the question?” (with Julia Claxton) being prepared for Journal of Mangement Inquiry

• “Mantenere Lo Stato: Management politics and politicking” (with Mike Bonsall) Being prepared for Academy of Management Review
[Has been commented on by the Editor in chief]
• “Body Work and Organizational Misbehaviour: On patients, hospitals and negotiated order” (with Helen Richardson)-Being prepared for Human Relations
• “Research, politics and identities: storming not forming in academic teams” (with Ossie Jones) – Being prepared for Journal of Ethnography

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