Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Power Elite vs Pluralism Theory: Why Power Elite defines our Modern Reality

*****A discussion of how race relates to your topic is required.******
Critically examine one of the issues presented in this course (or, discuss an alternative topic with your TA) by examining TWO CONTRASTING theories (such as urban ecology v. political economy, pluralism v. power elite, or assimilation v. social construction of race/whiteness) for an issue and discuss why you believe one theory is best supported by the evidence.

1) Introduction. Briefly explain what the topic is and why it is important.
2) Review of the literature and discussion. Explain two contrasting theories that explain the topic. Describe the major research findings/data on the topic. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the different theories in terms of the data you presented. Explain why you believe that one theory offers a better explanation of the issue than the other theory.
3) Conclusion. Significance of your issue and findings.
4) References. Minimum of 8 sources from academic journals and books should be cited within the body of your paper and listed at the end of your paper. Up to three course readings can count as part of the sources. Information from newspapers, news magazines, websites, and other sources, can be used and cited in your paper but DO NOT count as part of the academic (minimum 8) sources. Use the citation format required by your teaching assistant.

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