Sunday 26 February 2017

Development of CSR activities in businesses today

Order an Essay

Regulations for an Undergraduate Thesis
Formal general notes
Paper format has to be DIN A4
Front size 12 and 1 ½ line spacing
One sided print
Left side of the page has to have a border of 4,5 cm and right 2 or 2,5 cm
Top and bottom have to have a border of 3cm
Thesis has to be max. 40 written text pages and the appendix max. 20 pages
There is a tolerance of 10%

Numbering and sequences of the pages
Title page does not have a number
All written pages will have be continuously numbered expect for the Table of Contents, Tables, List of Figures and list of Abbreviation which have to be numbered with roman numbers
The directories as well as the biography and attachments do not count to the given volume of 40 written pages.
The Arabic numbering of pages begins with the first written text page.

Table of Content follows after the title page which has to state the page number of every new section

Table of contents, Tables, List of Figures and list of abbreviation are stated before the written text

Sources and Referencing
Thus it being an academic paper (scientific work paper) clear indication of sources has to be used. Therefore it is possible that anyone who will read this paper can find the origin of all facts of referenced sources.

Not to disturb the Reading flow, sources have to be given in the footnotes. Hints/notes on the footnotes are indicated in the written text as to the power of Arabic numbers.
Harvard Referencing is to be used.

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