Sunday, 26 February 2017

How can the incidence of lifestyle diseases be reduced through physical activity?

Order an Essay

Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of physical activity on the prevention and treatment of life style diseases. Evaluate the reduced incident of life stye disease, of CHD (coronary heart disease) , through physical activity.

It is harvard referenced, if source from the web, the web site address must be included within the reference, 3 references minimum

Reduction of   Coronary Heart Diseases through Physical Activities

Introduction Sample

Coronary heart diseases have been increasing rapidly over the past few years, threatening the life of many people around the world. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases are a global health problem to the public (Veijalainen et al. 2015). The diseases are present in all countries despite their level of economy and location. The way people live plays a big role in the development of these diseases. Some of the activities causing the rapid increase in the mortality rate due to lifestyle diseases include excessive use of alcohol and cigarette smoking, poor eating habits and lack of regular physical activities. Physical activities play an important role in the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease. The most appropriate activities are those involving the large muscle groups such as swimming, walking, weight lifting and running. The activities result into cardiovascular adjustments that lead to increased capacity to endure heavy tasks and increased muscle strength. This in turn increases the body’s resistance to several disorders such as coronary artery diseases besides reducing the impacts of the disorders in patients. Physical exercises prevent lifestyle diseases such as colon and breast cancers, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis and depression. Physical activities protect the inner coronary arteries from damage, which in turn leads to the minimal cases of coronary heart diseases among active people.

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