Thursday 2 February 2017

Motivational Factors for Veterans using both Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy for the Treatment of PTSD


The Prospectus serves as a road map for the dissertation. It provides the essential framework to guide the development of the dissertation proposal. The Prospectus builds on the 10 Strategic Points (shown in Appendix A). The Prospectus will be expanded to become your dissertation proposal (Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of your dissertation), which will in turn, be expanded to become the complete dissertation (Chapters 1-5). Prior to developing the Prospectus, the 10 Strategic Points should be reviewed with the Chair and Committee to ensure the10 Strategic Points are aligned and that you have a clear, defined, and a doable study. Your 10 Strategic Points should be included in Appendix A of this Prospectus document.

The Introduction section broadly describes the research focus that will be addressed by the dissertation and why that focus is worthy of further investigation. The Introduction should clearly define how the study will extend prior research. Additionally, it should identify examples of the studies on the topic that illustrate the current research. It is also important to ensure the Prospectus is well written from the very first draft. Prior to submitting it to the Committee Chair, ensure paragraphs are developed that (1) contain a topic sentence defining the focus of the paragraph, (2) discuss only that single topic, (3) contain three to seven sentences, and (4) include a transition sentence to the next paragraph or section. The sentences should also be structurally correct, short, and focused. Throughout the dissertation process, learners are expected to always produce a well-written document. Committee members and the AQR reviewers will not edit writing. If it is not well written, reviewers will provide a high-level, general comment on the overall areas that need to be improved before they will review the document again.

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