Thursday 2 February 2017

National Employment Counseling Association (NECA)

You will write a paper and make an Excel chart to accompany it. You are to:

- You are to choose one affiliate in the counseling/psychology realm from pages 38-39 in the textbook.
- You are to type a 2 page paper describing the organization, its history, their purpose and who they serve. Please include contact name(s), addresses, phone numbers, and web address and state why you chose this affiliate.
- The paper should be:
Typed double-spaced and submitted with A FONT NO HIGHER THAN 12.
Written in APA format. Do NOT “cut & paste” – WRITE the paper in APA format. Any paper that is cut and pasted will be viewed as plagiarized.
Include an Excel chart (see below)
(Knowledge, Policy & Structural Skills and Professional and Development goals).
You are also to include and an Excel chart with this Affiliate paper. Here are the titles that you need to include in your Excel chart for the affiliate that you will pick from pages 38-39 in your textbook. Please make eight COLUMNS for the following items:
Name of Affiliate How many members?

Year it was Founded Fees? Yes or No

How many years in existence? How much are the fees?

Located in? Yearly Conference Yes or No?

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