Saturday 18 February 2017

Service Learning Project Report


Be sure to review the information on your PowerPoint presentation located below the SLP requirements which is due in Week 7. Review the information below on your SLP Paper which is due in Week 7.


Service Learning Project: The objectives of the course have been designed to provide you the knowledge and skills to be successful in this area of the healthcare industry. This will require you go into a healthcare setting and volunteer/observe/interact/or interview healthcare professionals or public officials related to health care policy/healthcare insurance or health care economics

Definition: Service-learning is a structured learning experience that combines community service with preparation and reflection. Students engaged in service-learning provide in response to community-identified concerns and learn about the context in which the service is provided, the connection between their service and their academic coursework.

Week 4: Submit SLP Topic for the instructor approval. I will approve / disapprove or approve with comments NLT Saturday.

Pick a topic and a location that your will use for a service-learning project. Include this as a separate entry to your weekly update. Your project can be done at your workplace, if you can tie into the healthcare policy concept and explain how your job supports the community (they all do). It can also be related to other activities with which you are involved, again as long as you can tie the healthcare policy concept and explain how this activity supports the community.

Week 5 (Part 1): use the community Service Learning Project Form (I included the format below but you must use the form located in the weekly notes). Identify your topic, any topic that we studied from the text this semester and apply it to somebody or some agency in your community that can benefit from your service. Just tell me what you plan to do and for whom. This does not need to be an elaborate post or project, just briefly interact in a useful way with somebody in your community that demonstrates application of a specific concept from the course. This assignment is due.

Week 6 (Part 2): Use the form you posted in week 5 and update it with your week 6 update. Just make a submission that tells me that you executed your plan or that you had to make changes if that needed to happen. This assignment is due.

Week 7 (Part 3): Submit a 1000 -1500 word APA Format paper that describes your SLP. There needs to be an introduction (the purpose of this paper is to report a service learning project that took place …). There needs to be some content (enough to get you to 1000 words). There needs to be a conclusion (the purpose of the paper was to report …). And you need to cite references (hint: your book when you identify what topic you are doing is the first one). You will also need to discuss how this community Service Learning Project supports the 5 tenets of the University mission (hint: it’s on the website). This assignment is due.

Week 7: Complete your PowerPoint presentation, and post to the discussion forum. The PowerPoint presentation should be no more than three slides: 1) Introduction i.e. What was the service? 2) Actions taken.  3) Results. Be sure to use the presentation rubric to identify the evaluation criteria and understand the grading process..

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