Wednesday 1 February 2017

Rising Litigation in Dentistry. Is it set to continue

1)Title Page
•brief /concise - (NO FANCY WORDS PLEASE)•mentions objectives, main topics, conclusions.•May be in numbered paragraphs
3) Introduction
•Brief description of project why it interests? •Clearly say the purpose of the review•Define clarify any terms e.g litigation, TORT•Describe the method for selection of reviewed materials, setting of the topics including development of its research techniques•Explain approach to main sections then state:
4) Aims and Objectives
5) Methodology: •Please search the latest writings on subject, read and appraise the uploaded files• Journals: review articles, research papers, reports•EBSCO, MEDLINE, PUBMED. 25 papers collected, 10 critically appraised and made reference to.
•Please include in appendices screen shots of the internet research to evidence terms and methods used e.g. Boolean and MESH terms
Please include and adapted Critical Appraisal skills Process-a table, listing the type of paper, ticking whether it met aims and objectives and value of the paper e.g Critical Appraisal (CASP: pass or fail)
6) 4 themed topic sections with sub headings (include clear relevant graphs and diagrams)according to logically ordered themes, explain order of themes in the writing, Clear transitions between sections
This section makes up overall review of the literature but focuses on 10 references from the 25 in detail noting similarities and differences between them appropriately.
•Be critical of each piece of literature do not just summarize evidence and provide analysis
•Identify gaps, problems or issues in the literature, provide evidence to support or negate
•Consider whether the evidence is convincing accurate, sufficient?
•Ensure the authors voice is clearly separate to the voice of authors written about!!
7) Discussion
8) Conclusion
Draw on all the topics themes into a clear synthesis of current topic, do not add own views but evidenced views, reflect on limitations of this topic and suggest more evidence/ research is still needed
9) Appendixe
Evidences the methodology
List of papers found
List of 25 papers selected
List of 10 critically appraise
CASP table

10) References
use harvard referencing in alphabetical order

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