Saturday, 11 February 2017

Primary Source Analysis

Egyptian Wisdom Literature
Using the examples of Egyptian Wisdom Literature which we analyzed during discussion section, write a paper in which you respond to ONE of the following discussion prompts:
1. Family relations: How would you characterize the ideal relationship between husbands and wives, and between parents and children? What roles do or should wives play? What are the goals of the household? Is what goes on in the family of any relevance to the larger community?
2. Wealth and poverty: How are wealth, prosperity, and rich people viewed? Conversely, how are poverty and poor people viewed? What constitutes wealth? How does one get it? Is one stuck with being either poor or rich? Is there such a thing as too much wealth?
3. The individual and the community (reputation, behavior, and consequences): How important is a good reputation? What does a bad reputation do? To what extent does one"s individual behavior affect the larger community, or is perceived as affecting it? Is there a concern with morality? Do the gods care about moral behavior?
You’ll note that EACH ONE of these discussion prompts includes a cluster of "sub-questions". You can respond to several (even all) of the "sub-questions" included in ONE of the prompts, or you can focus on just one of the "sub-questions" in a prompt. For example, Family relations includes the five "sub-questions":
How would you characterize the ideal relationship between husbands and wives?
How would you characterize the ideal relationship between parents and children?
What role(s) do or should wives play?
What are the goals of the household?
Is what goes on in the family of any relevance to the larger community?
Your paper can address any one of these five questions or any combination of two or more. The same goes for the other two prompts (2. Wealth and poverty and 3. The individual and the community).

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