Saturday, 11 February 2017

Designing Controllers for Regulating Liquid Level for a Liquid Tank


The aim of this assignment is to develop students’ ability to identify a control problem, to model the problem, to creatively develop solutions to the problem, and to apply engineering analysis to the solutions.
1. Develop a linear mathematical model of a single-tank system, which has a tank, an outlet
piper with a manually-controlled valve so the outlet flow rate can be set up manually, and an inlet piper associated with an computer-controlled valve so the inlet flow rates can be controlled by a computerised controller
2. Implement the model using Matlab/simulink
3. Set up system performance requirements and set up the specifications to controller to
satisfy the requirements through engineering analyse
4. Develop a PI or PID controller using Root-locus method to regulate the liquid level of the
5. Develop a PID controller using Ziegler-Nichols rules to regulate the liquid level of the tank
6. Connect the controllers to the single-tank system model to form closed-loop control systems
and recording control errors
7. Evaluate the systems’ performance against performance specifications set up in Step 3
8. Fine turn the better off controller to achieve better results
9. Develop an interface with OOP programming to visualise the system, liquid level and inlet
and outlet
10. Connect the interface with the control system so the liquid level can show the control

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