Tuesday 28 February 2017

In 2016, Torstar sold its largest printing plant and invested $10 million in the development of a digital app for on-line readers.

The Point of the Exercise
Media industries occupy a complex position in society. They are powerful agents of culture and communication, but they also respond to market forces and state regulation. Individual media companies must satisfy their stakeholders – groups such as audiences and advertisers, investors and vendors – to stay in business. When a media company cannot balance the interests of stakeholders, controversy may follow. In this assignment, you are asked to examine a current issue while considering the viewpoints of two or more stakeholders.

The Assignment
1. Develop your own position on the issue. You may agree with one of the stakeholders.

2. Write a paper, seven to ten pages in length, that explains the topic and defends your position. Defending your position will require sound evidence and a logical argument. Through your paper, you must make reference to at least five peer-reviewed, scholarly publications (articles or books) and/or government documents.

Things to consider when conducting your research: – describe the issue: what is at stake? – what is the most recent case relevant to this issue? – who are the stakeholders and what are their positions on the issue? – what do you think is the right thing to do?

Remember – Papers must be type-written and double-spaced. – Spelling, style and grammar count. A first-class mark requires first-class writing.
IMPORTANT: The essay is between 7-10 pages. I chose 8 as something in the middle, but 9 or 10 is fine. 7 would be as well, if points could be covered adequately in that space.

In 2016, Torstar sold its largest printing plant and invested $10 million in the development of a digital app for on-line readers.

Using evidence from Massey & Sampson’s The Moynihan Report Revisited and the Poverty Research Industry 200-400 word essay examining the sources of inequality, possible solutions and the role of the research industry played in addressing inequality. Your essay should include at least seven pieces of evidence in the form of direct quotations of no more than ten words from the two readings and you should integrate those quotations.

NCAA Shamateurism: The story of how the NCAA has exploited its athletes

This assignment is a major project for the course. It is designed to give you experience in ope rationalizing a research plan from the stage of identifying a research question to providing a detailed plan for collecting and analyzing data. If you plan to conduct this research for your thesis or paper in lieu of thesis, you will have accomplished 80% of your task. Guidelines for the proposal are provided below.





4. LIST OF TABLES (if appropriate)

5. LIST OF FIGURES (if appropriate)

The Body

Part One: INTRODUCTION – Limited to 8-10 double-spaced pages, including graphs and tables. In the narrative be sure to address:

1. Background
Introduce the reader to the general problem. Through persuasive methods, explain why you feel that this study is worth studying. Use information from your literature search to support your reasoning. Be sure to cite anything that is not your own words. Provide a smooth and logical flow for the reader to follow the specific problem you are interested in studying. Throughout your opening, think in terms of a funnel—Start very broad and gradually narrow the focus to the specific problem.

2. Theoretical Framework
A concise and precise section that addresses the exact problem your study focuses on. This section should flow naturally from the background section. This section will include a statement of the problem (subsection), a research question (subsection), and a purpose for the study (subsection) (including a research hypothesis or research objective).

3. The Significance section is where you sell the reader on the value of what you are proposing to do. WHY WOULD SOMEONE WANT TO CONDUCT THIS STUDY—WHAT COULD SOMEONE DO WITH THE RESULTS—HOW COULD THE ANSWERS TO THIS STUDY MAKE THE WORLD ANY BETTER. This is a persuasive section as well. Give logically compelling and explicit reasons why the results of the study would be useful.

4. Limitations of the Study
Set the parameters for the study, as well as acknowledge that certain parameters for the study exist that may out be out of the researcher’s control.

5. Definitions of Terms

This section provides operational definitions for all components of the study that need to be defined clearly. The definitions must be in COMPLETE SENTENCES and must all have a source.

Part Two: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE—Review of work done by others in the area addressed by your proposed research. Follow appropriate, logical format, and cite all sources that are not your own.

Part Three: METHODOLOGY—A detailed section where you will address the following:

1. an Introductory section prior to the first section which includes: a statement identifying the research design you are using that addresses the problem at hand…in other words… “an experimental study will be conducted to determine whether a particular reading method has an effect on ACT scores.”

2. Design
The second section should define the design, its overall purpose, its strengths and weaknesses as they pertain to your study. Also identify any threats to validity and reliability that pertain to this type study and how you will attempt to eliminate those threats. This is not an identified section as those are below.

3. Setting and Participants
How many participants? How will they be selected? What permission do you need to obtain data from these participants? Append copies of permission letters you plan to use. Will you need approval from Human Subjects? Make sure you indicate what your target and accessible populations are. You will want to make sure that you indicate that IRB approval will be needed in order to complete the study.

4. Data Collection
Identify and describe the measures you plan to use for data collection. Specifically describe the instrument pertaining to the design, including any unusual situations, including obvious threats to validity/reliability. Discuss your procedures for data collection etc. For experimental and quasi-experimental studies, you will detail the experimental and control procedures. You will need to append experimental materials that you plan to use.

5. Treatment of the Data
Outline the statistical procedures you plan to use. Note that your data analysis procedures should be related to your research questions.

6. Implications for Future Research
Summarize the kind of treatment/outcomes expected depending upon outcome results. If you find out what you want, what/how will this finding affect future research? Could it impact future research?

Part Four: REFERENCES – Include only those references that have been cited in the narrative. Reference list should be in APA style. Use the current edition.

Part Five: APPENDIX(ES) – Include only if appropriate. Follow APA for formatting. Be sure these appendix items are cited within the document.


1. The draft submitted must be typewritten according to the guidelines presented in the APA Manual of Style (6th ED). Citations in the text, quotations, and titles of tables, figures and appendixes must conform to the format specified in APA. The reference list must also conform to the format specified in APA and there should be a match between citations in the text and the reference list. The 6th Edition is MUCH DIFFERENT than the 5th.

2. You are expected to know how to write proper English. I will not mark your errors in this regard. However, I will recommend you to avail of the services of the Writing Center if I think you need help. Incorrect English in the formal proposal will affect your grade.

3. Plagiarism will result in a grade of F for the course.
Proposal Formatting

The research project proposal will be approximately 25 double-spaced, left justified. (Courier may be an appropriate font for you to use) pages with appropriate margins (see APA), including title page and all appendices, using the form and style recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA) except where modifications have been made by the professor. Typically 20-25 references that have been published within the last five years will be a minimum expectation. No RUNNING HEADS are used in this proposal.


Title Page Follow approved format: page i—count, but number “hidden” (not shown) Use template given

Abstract 250-word maximum; page ii-number centered at bottom of page within bottom margin; Use Level 1 Header (p. 62 APA)

The parts:

Sentence 1: Purpose of study, including design (see first sentence of Methodology)
Sentence 2: Sampling method used, identifying accessible population as well
Sentence 3-6: Summarize your procedure into three or four sentences, only highlighting main points
Sentence 7: What statistical design will you use?

Table of Contents Follow approved format; Page iii—number centered at bottom page within bottom margin; if more than 1 page, page number of second page placed at bottom center of that page; Use Level 1 Header (p. 62 APA)

List of Tables Use only if tables appear in proposal other than appendix; page iv or appropriate number centered at bottom of page within bottom margin; if more than one page, page number of second page placed at bottom center of that page; Use Level 1 Header (p. 62 APA)

List of Figures Use only if figures appear in proposal; page v or appropriate number centered at bottom of page within bottom margin; if more than 1 page, page number of second page placed at bottom center of that page; Use Level 1 Header (p. 62 APA)


Introduction Use Level 1 Header (p. 62 APA); section heading for introductory paragraphs not needed; page number 1 will be suppressed; number pages 2, 3, 4, etc. within the margin bottom center. Pagination is continuous.

Subheadings include subheadings; capitalize only first letters of words, left justify, and italicize Use Level 2 and Level 3 Headers (p. 62 APA)

Theoretical Framework
Statement of the problem
Research question
Purpose for the study
Limitations of the Study

Definitions of Terms—use indented side head for each term within the
subsection Use Level 3 Headers (p. 62 APA)

Review of Related Use Level 1 Header (p. 62 APA); choice of headings within
Literature section dependent upon organization of section; use Level 2 and
3 headings.

Methodology Use Level 1 Header (p. 62 APA); section heading for introductory paragraphs not needed….

Subheadings Use Level 2 and Level 3 Headers (p. 62 APA)

Setting and Participants
Data Collection
Treatment of the Data
Implications for Future Research

References Use Level 1 Header (p. 62 APA); continue pagination at top right; double space; flush left first line; all remaining are tabbed .5”; use APA reference list format for each entry

Appendix(es) Begin with Appendix A. and complete title centered as a Level 1 Header; place page number at bottom center; for example:

Appendix A (L1)

Subtitle of Appendix Used (L1)

***NOTE: If only one appendix item, it is not enumerated. It’s called Appendix.

USING WORD to create a Table of Contents with Leaders
A TEMPLATE for your ToC is in COURSE DOCUMENTS folder.

1. At the top of a new blank page in a new file, set for DOUBLE SPACING and WIDOW ORPHAN protection
a. Select HOME, then PARAGRAPH, then DOUBLE SPACING. Make sure your SPACING BEFORE and SPACING AFTER are both set for 0; then hit OK
2. To set for TOC positioning
a. Select HOME, then PARAGRAPH, then INDENTS, then TABS
b. Set TAB STOP at 6”. Make sure tabs are set for every .5”
c. Select for RIGHT ALIGNMENT and LEADER No. 2 (dots)
d. Select SET at bottom, then OK
3. Once that’s done, you can begin to type your lines. For each line, type the section, hit TAB, then put the page number. Hit the ENTER key to go to the next line.
4. Your Level 1 head should be on the left margin. Your LEVEL 2 heads should be indented ONE TIME (.05”) and your Level 3 heads should be indented TWO TIMES (1.0”). Use your RIGHT and LEFT INDENT icons at the top of the HOME PAGE
5. SAVE your document.

USING WORD to set Pagination for Preface and Body sections

1. Merge your preface, body and appendix sections into one document. Save that document.
2. First, make sure that at the top of the first page of the document (TITLE) that you are set for DOUBLE SPACING and WIDOW ORPHAN protection
a. Select HOME, then PARAGRAPH, then DOUBLE SPACING. Make sure your SPACING BEFORE and SPACING AFTER are both set for 0; then hit OK
3. To set pagination for PREFACE
a. You want to make sure first that the font set for your page numbering is the same as your body text.
c. Select FORMAT PAGE NUMBERS, then select the ROMAN NUMERAL icon ( i, ii, iii), then select START AT…under the PAGE NUMBERING ICON. You will set the pagination to begin with i.
d. Select DIFFERENT FIRST PAGE in order to suppress that page number. When you scroll, you’ll see the pagination from that point on.
4. SAVE your document.
5. To set pagination for BODY
a. At bottom of last page of preface (usually Table of Contents), select PAGE LAYOUT, then BREAKS, then NEXT PAGE SECTION BREAK
c. Select FORMAT PAGE NUMBERS, then select the NUMBER icon (1, 2, 3….), then select START AT…under the PAGE NUMBERING ICON. You will set the pagination to begin with 1.
d. Select DIFFERENT FIRST PAGE in order to suppress that page number. When you scroll, you’ll see the pagination from that point on.
6. SAVE your document. Pagination should continue from that point through the rest of the paper.

North American Petroleum - "Contemporary issue"

- willing to go anywhere within the range of 5-6 pages when single spaced (10-12 when double spaced)
- any topic from those listed is fine (CSR = corporate social responsbility in list below)
- looking for a good grade (get good grades on all exams) but nothing too spectacular that its out of the ordinary
- here are the instructions - if futher clarification is needed feel free to ask!

The term paper can be on any contemporary issues relative to NA oil industry.

You need to set up and motivate a hypothesis, to collect evidence and make sound analysis, and finally to come to your own conclusions. The term paper has to be at least 8 pages double space in length. The maximum number of pages allowed is 15.

You are encouraged to develop your own topics. Just to get you started, the following are some issues frequently seen in the news and academic discussions:

Discuss the relationship between corporate citizenship and corporate social responsibility of oil and gas companies.
The impact of oil price on the Canadian dollar
The impact of shale revolution on the future growth of the Canadian oil sand operation
The pipeline construction and the Canadian oil and gas development
Discuss the motivations of oil and gas companies in undertaking CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities, are these a product of altruism or a measure of public relations.
The link between competitive advantage and CSR has often been disputed, however arguably if this link exists it does so in the oil and gas industry. Consider the impact of CSR activities on the economic success of an oil and gas company.
The evolution of CSR activities of oil and gas companies in light of the recent concern for global warming.
Environmental aspects of CSR have evolved from voluntary assumption of responsibility to regulated instances in international, local and foreign law, to what extent have CSR activities for oil and gas companies become mandatory.
Exploring the CSR activities of Oil and Gas firms: A Case study of….. [choose any oil and gas company].
To what extent does CSR impact the supply chain management strategy of oil and gas companies in North America.
The increased demand environmentally responsible logistics strategies leading to an evolution of these strategies in oil and gas companies.
Consider the implementation of theoretical concerns of supply chain management in practice in offshore oil and gas operations in Gulf od

Supplemental Admissions Questions

1. “Bushido” is the moral code of the Samurai, which was influenced by Confucian, Shinto, and Buddhist thought. Nitobe Inazo enumerated the eight virtues of Bushido as (1) righteousness, (2) courage, (3) benevolence, (4) respect, (5) sincerity, (6) honour, (7) loyalty, and (8) self-control. If you were to embrace the Bushido code, which of these eight virtues would you find it most difficult to live up to, and why?

2. The year is 2046, and you have just been elected as the new Mayor of the City of Hamilton, Ontario. What one bylaw, initiative, or policy do you hope to be able to get approved by City Council? Why is this your priority?

2. An unusual helminthic infestation is rapidly spreading in tribes who live close to the Patsaca River. Fortunately, a novel antihelminthic drug has been found to be quite effective as a prophylactic, and a mass dosing campaign is underway supervised by a Canadian team based in the village of Totonancan. Unfortunately, once the campaign starts, there is an increasing incidence of lichenoid eruptions which is adversely affecting the drug campaign. They document the incidence of the rash in 3 villages (see the map below). As a precaution, the 20 members of the Canadian team also take the drug as a prophylactic; 5 members of them also get the rash.

You are a member of a public health emergency response team parachuted into Totonancan and asked to provide a clear strategy to deal with the situation.

The Effects of Blood Glucose on Free Radical formation and Vascular Damage

A review paper of current research on the titled topic (The Effects of Blood Glucose on Free Radical formation and Vascular Damage). The articles reviewed should be original research articles (not reviews or meta-analyses) and should be no older than 2001. The maximum alloted wordcount is 1250, although the website could only go higher (135) given the choices I had. Formatting and more information on what is required from the paper can be found in the attached marking scheme.

Marking Scheme for Written Assignments #2 and 3
Writing Assignments #2&3 should be 750-1250 words in length, and should be topical reviews of an area of interest. For Assignment#2 the topic should be related to lipids, and for Assignment#3 it should be related to carbohydrates, protein/amino acids, or nutrient-nutrient interactions. Please review the marking scheme below before you begin writing. Please also view the example review papers available on D2L.
Introduction /3
□ _Good opening sentence that grabs the reader’s attention. [1 pt.]
□ _Clearly defined topic or main research question is asserted in an early sentence. [1 pt.]
□ _An indication of the contents to follow is provided. [1 pt.]
Scientific Content /18
□ _Topic is sufficiently focused to be covered by the scope of this essay. [1 pt.]
□ _Material is scientifically sound and robust [8 pts.]
□ _Paper provides evidence of a thorough review of the topic. It should not just be a summarization of papers (i.e. do you tell us what the findings mean, why they are related, and important?) [5 pts.]
□ _Paper describes the state of the research (what is currently being pursued, where it is headed, limitations etc., if applicable). [3 pts.]
□ _Explanations/definitions are given for all technical terms and ideas introduced. [1 pt.]
Organization /2
□ _Each paragraph is unified around one major point. [1 pts.]
□ _There is a logical flow, and good transitions between paragraphs. [1 pts.]
Conclusions /2
□ _Summarizes major points, tying them into the main idea without dull repetition, and without introducing new information. [1 pt.]
□ _Pose questions for future study or provide your own closing opinion. [1 pt.]
Grammar, spelling, and scientific voice /2
□ _Punctuation, spelling, and grammar are correct. [1 pt.]
□ _Proper use of the third person throughout the essay with limited personal pronouns. [1 pt.]
Format and References /3
□ _Formatting and typography guidelines were followed exactly. [1 pt.]
□ _Number of references is appropriate for length of article (10-30). [1 pt.]
□ _Proper referencing - all facts or ideas are cited [1 pts.]

American Business-Robber Barons & Reformers 1865-1900


Using the White and Wiebe (readings up to this point) texts, characterize in 3 pages how the structure of American business and finance change during the period from 1865-1900. You will use the White text more heavily than the Wiebe one. What drove this change? What new shapes did it take, and what, if any, old shapes did it retain? What were the most important traits of “modern” American business and finance after the railroads? What kinds of people played a role in this transformation?
Then in one final page, express a position: was America better off by the turn of the century because of this, or not?

Support your position with specific passages (correctly cited) from the White text.

Typed, 4 pages, double-spaced, one-inch margins, Times New Roman font. These must be uploaded in Microsoft Word format.

To my understanding I am to have close to 4 complete pages. An "A" on the paper would be helpful, but I understand if it is not feasible.
I have uploaded the first assignment that I submitted for the class. Which was a Precis over the "White" book. I hope this helps, please reach out for more information.

Below are the texts that the assignment is referring too.

Richard White, Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern America (Norton, 2011)

Robert H. Wiebe, The Search for Order, 1877-1920 (Hill and Wang, 1967)

Below is a description of the course:
The history of the Gilded Age has frequently been told as a story of economic growth, the rise of big business, and changes in the American business environment that led to the emergence of business innovations like vertical integration and the trust. The response to the rapid and dramatic chan

Effective Interviewing Techniques for Gaining Leadership Positions Within the Medical Field

Word Document Only please. At least 2 pages. Can be more. I am needing a lamens terms speech that I can read. The speech must be about "Effective Interviewing Techniques for Gaining Leadership Positions Within the Medical Field". Suggested items to include: Clarifying your "selling points" of why you would be the best fit for the job; Clarifying the reasons you want the job (what the job means to you); Anticipating the interviewer"s concerns and reservations; Preparing for common interview questions; Bringing passion and personality; and/or How to gain your employer"s trust.

The three sources should include what kind of source this is (book, website, journal, magazine, etc)?; What is the name of the source?; If it is a website, what is the name of the article or page on the website?; What is the date (Give the date of publication for a printed source. For a website, give the date it was created or last updated)?; Who is the author or sponsor of this material?

And on the last page (not to be included in the read speech), for the three sources named, (a) list a key word or short phrase for the concepts or skills found in the source that were used in the speech and (b) in a brief sentence or two, explain that skill or concept. For example: (a) tell-show-do technique (b) verbal explanations for tell; demonstrations for show; and completion for do

Google - New Business Investment

Project - Why Google should purchase a car company instead of starting one from scratch.
 In this project you will participate in a real-world experience evaluating a new business investment.  You will form two-three person teams. Each team will select a publicly traded company, decide on a new business investment for the company, prepare analyses to support their decision to invest the company’s funds in this new business investment and present your results in a multimedia presentation. Your presentation will be 2-3 pages.
Each team should present a comprehensive summary of the analyses of the new business investment as if this was to be presented to the CEO or other executive decision-maker of the company.  It should take into consideration that the company has limited resources to fund new capital ventures and this presentation is the selling platform of their hard work.
For your team business proposal supported by financial analysis, you may want to locate company ratios and also calculate industry ratios. To calculate industry ratios, examine the company ratios for the top five peer companies. For each critical ratio (profitability return on margin), calculate the average across the 5 companies to arrive at an informed estimate for the industry. To find 5 peers, you might use a Company reports identifying Top Competitors (from Business Source Complete;  Mint Global databases) or Major Companies (From IBISWorld database).

Power Elite vs Pluralism Theory: Why Power Elite defines our Modern Reality

*****A discussion of how race relates to your topic is required.******
Critically examine one of the issues presented in this course (or, discuss an alternative topic with your TA) by examining TWO CONTRASTING theories (such as urban ecology v. political economy, pluralism v. power elite, or assimilation v. social construction of race/whiteness) for an issue and discuss why you believe one theory is best supported by the evidence.

1) Introduction. Briefly explain what the topic is and why it is important.
2) Review of the literature and discussion. Explain two contrasting theories that explain the topic. Describe the major research findings/data on the topic. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the different theories in terms of the data you presented. Explain why you believe that one theory offers a better explanation of the issue than the other theory.
3) Conclusion. Significance of your issue and findings.
4) References. Minimum of 8 sources from academic journals and books should be cited within the body of your paper and listed at the end of your paper. Up to three course readings can count as part of the sources. Information from newspapers, news magazines, websites, and other sources, can be used and cited in your paper but DO NOT count as part of the academic (minimum 8) sources. Use the citation format required by your teaching assistant.

Business Law "What Laws Handle Internet Purchases"

Topic: What Laws Handle Internet Purchases?

Tax laws in each state are different so I think that would be an interesting topic to write about, there are only a few states left that don’t charge some sort of sales tax on online purchases. Businesses need to accommodate for that when they do online sales and make sure they charge the right amount of tax on purchases that are made in states with an online sales tax and states that don’t have a sales tax for online purchases.

From some searches I found a few different rules/laws that apply to online purchasing.
• Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule
o The Rule, issued in 1975, requires sellers who solicit buyers to order merchandise through the mail, via the Internet, or by phone to have a reasonable basis to expect that the sellers can ship within the advertised time frame, or, if no time frame is specified, within 30 days.

• Fair Credit Billing Act
o FCBA" A federal law designed to protect consumers from unfair credit billing practices. The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) provides guidelines for both consumers and creditors including procedures to manage disputes regarding billing statements.

I can write about the FTC’s role in online purchasing and the regulations/policies that they’ve put in place to protect buyers.

Ebay and Amazon have very strict policies to make sure that the buyer is protected. So they try to protect their consumers by having a good dispute system to make sure that the item that the consumer bought was advertised correctly and delivered to that specification. Ebay and Amazons buyer/seller agreements would be something that I could read into and find what they consider to be false advertisement and how they protect their customers

Ordering online from foreign countries, knowing your seller and making sure that the product is legit and how to deal with scams if you’re ever involved. I’d have to do a little bit more research on what kind of laws would pertain to this.
From Syllabus

Each student is to propose to the Instructor by February 11, 2017, their proposed Term Paper topic, with a brief synopsis of the scope of the paper. You are encouraged to select a topic for your Term Paper that is based on the suggested topics listed above, or, choose a topic that relates to your work or your interests, and has a tie to Business Law.

The Term Paper should be at least five (5) pages, but less than 7 pages in typed double spaced format. At least 3 outside references should be cited for your paper, with appropriate accreditation and references included as a supplement to your paper. A Title Page with your name, date and title of the Term Paper is required.

LGBT Representation in Dallas Buyers Club - THESIS AND OUTLINE ATTACHED

Film Reception Assignment:
Film and Social Change
This class centers on the idea that there is a relationship between cinema and social
change. The assignment asks you to research and analyze the reception of a single film to
assess the film’s broader social impact. What does the reception of the film suggest about
the film’s larger influence on American culture, its social meaning, and, more specifically,
its effect on the social situations it addresses?
Important background questions to contribute to your understanding of the film’s
• Who are the filmmakers? What was their intent in making the film?
• Who are the reviewers of the film, if you can identify them?
• What aspects/scenes of the movie do the reviewers point to?
• Where do reviewers differ?
• Was there a public reaction to the film beyond the reviews (i.e. protest
or social activism)? If so, what was it?
Your paper should make a coherent argument about the film’s reception. As such, it needs
a thesis statement (which lays out your argument), body paragraphs (which direct your
reader to evidence supporting that thesis) and a conclusion (which briefly reviews what you
have shown and points outward to bigger questions for future exploration). For more on
how to write a thesis statement, please consult:
For more on how to write an expository (i.e. argument-driven) essay, please consult:
https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/02/ or visit the writing center.
While you may want to research broadly to uncover varying reactions to the film, one or
two reviews, well analyzed for what they suggest about public reception, are enough. The
goal is not for you to find the most controversial film but to explore how film relates to its
social context. Finding that there was less public reception than you might have expected is
a finding itself and worthy of discussion. What I will be looking for is the strength and
logic of your analysis of the reactions or reviews you find and your ability to connect these
reviews/reactions film to your own reading of the film text, which should be informed by
the film analysis techniques you are learning in lecture and section. The paper should also
be well written, proofread carefully according to the rules of grammar and the attached
style sheet, and be creative in its approach. These elements will be the basis of my

A number of databases will be useful to you in your research. I recommend the following:
-Proquest Historical Newspapers
-Ethnic Newswatch
-UNZ.org (http://www.unz.org/Pub/Articles/)

Your finished paper should be 5-8 pages in length and will submit your paper via Turn-itin.
Film Options:
You may use any of the films on the syllabus as the basis for your paper (though if we have
already discussed part of the reception, you will want to say something new).
In addition you may use the following films:
Imitation of Life (1934/1959)
Victim (1961)
Shock Corridor (1963)
In the Heat of the Night (1967)
Sweet Sweetback’s Badass Song (1969)
Medium Cool (1969)
Boys in the Band (1970)
Dirty Harry (1971)
Hearts and Minds (1974)
Word is Out (1977)
Norma Rea (1979)
9 to 5 (1980)
Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
Paris is Burning (1990)
Daughter of the Dust (1991)
American Me (1992)
Philadelphia (1993)
Mi Familia (1995)
Dead Man Walking (1995)
Boyz n the Hood (1996)
Wag the Dog (1998)
Smoke Signals (1998)
Boys Don’t Cry (1999)
Bowling for Columbine (2002)
Fog of War (2003)
North Country (2005)
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Children of Men (2006)
An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
When the Levees Broke (2006)
Milk (2008)
Collapse (2009)
Sin Nombre (2009)
The House I Live In (2012)
Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
Dope (2015)
Spotlight (2015)
If you have a movie you would like to propose, please submit a paragraph describing the
film and why you think it worthy of exploration to your T.A. for review.

Style guide/Checklist:
• Your finished assignment should be 5-8 pages in length, type-written, carefully proofread,
well-thought through. It should have an introduction with a thesis statement and at least
three internal body paragraphs with evidence supporting this thesis and a conclusion.
• You should use brief quotations and concepts from the readings. Long quotations for a
paper of this length are unwieldy and distract from your own argument.
• Your paper must include close analysis of at least one scene and one shot (a continuous
stretch of film uninterrupted by editing).
• Show your knowledge of the established norms of film and television studies writing by using
the following formats for film titles and character names.
o The name of the film you are discussing should be underlined or italicized at every
use (i.e. The Birds or The Birds)
o After a film’s first mention, the year (or years in the case of a television show) should
be placed in parentheses after the title. For example, at first mention, write “This
essay will do a close analysis of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds (1963)” or “This essay
will examine generational conflict, ethnicity, and masculinity in Welcome Back, Kotter
(1975-1979)” or “This essay will examine post-human theology in The Leftovers
(2014- )” and from that point forward in your paper, you would refer to each as The
Birds or Welcome Back, Kotter, or The Leftovers without the production dates.
o If you mention the names of any film or television characters in your paper, the
name of the actor playing the character should appear in parentheses after the name
of the character at first mention. For example, “In Samuel Fuller’s White Dog
(1983), the white dog himself is a figure of the uncanny, though Fuller’s bizarre
editing and shot structure convert the viewer’s vision itself an uncanny version of
the Classical Hollywood spectator position, as when images of the dog seem to
proliferate throughout the diegetic world right before Keys (Paul Winfield) finds the
dog who has just killed an unnamed black man in a church (59:32; 59:43).”

• VERY IMPORTANT: Your paper should use time codes to designate any shot and frame to
which you are referring. You should be referring to specific shots and scenes in the film. For
each different shot or scene reference, you should place, in parentheses, after the first
sentence of discussion, the time (minutes/seconds) within the film that it appears. For
example, to reference a scene 58 minutes and 28 seconds into the film might read as follows:
“Cahiers Du Cinema discusses Fuller’s films as having been ‘made with his feet,’ a reference to
his emblematic use of shots of feet in his films (Moullett, 151). In White Dog, we see the
power of the foot shot Cahiers describes during the scene where the dog attacks an unnamed
Black man on the street (58:28-58:44). Cross-cutting images of feet of the dog and of the
man, Fuller builds our suspense about the man’s racial identity and whether the dog will

• Your paper should use the Chicago Manual of Style as a guide for citations. All readings
mentioned or indirectly referred to should be cited properly. You may use in-text citations
and a bibliography, footnotes, or endnotes.

• The best papers will offer a clear, innovative argument that is creative and that showcases
your understanding of the concepts you are discussing, your understanding of the issues at
stake in the film and the public reaction to them, and your ability to perform close analysis
of a text.

Differential Drying Shrinkage and Warping in Concrete Pavements

Tasked with writing a literature review/research paper regarding what is currently known about both differential drying shrinkage and warping in concrete pavements. The various short term processes that cause it such as material composition (water/cement ratio, admixtures, curing process) along with the long term causes (ambient relative humidity, evaporation, wind, temperature, etc.) The distinct difference between what parts of the shrinkage are reversible and what part isn"t should be covered. Additionally I"d like to go into some minor detail regarding the various models availible to predict the shrinkage affects. Figures and tables should be used when necessary. There isn"t a strict number of pages or sources though I"d like 15-20 pages including any figures and tables and sufficient sources for well rounded research into the topic.

Algorithms Homework Assignment

Beasties, LLC is a highly original company that sends out monsters every night to
scare kids. (Actually, just guys in monster suits. And people keep telling them to stop.)
Anyway, the input is an undirected graph G = (V, E) with n nodes; a designated
subset M ⊂ V where there are initially monsters (M = m1, . . . , mt
, where mi
is the
starting location of monster i, all distinct); and a designated subset of vertices K ⊂ V
that are kids’ houses. Both of these sets could be large, e.g. size .1n or whatever; they
are not bounded in size by a constant.
You also are given a time budget T, with 1 ≤ T ≤ n. Each of your monsters can take
one step in the graph per unit of time, and immediately scare any kids on whose houses
they land. Monsters can share a vertex.
Give an algorithm running in time at most C
, for some constant C > 1, that decides
whether or not our team of monsters can scare all the kids in the allotted time.
Note: this is slow—it is exponential, not polynomial, in the input size—but it is at
least much more efficient than a runtime bound such as n! or n
, both of which are
Θ(n log n)
XC1.2 [15 points]
This problem is about the Pac-Man game on graphs. The input is an undirected,
unweighted graph G = (V, E) with a designated start position s ∈ V for Pac-Man, and
4 starting Ghost locations g1, g2, g3, g4 ∈ V . (The thematic link here is that ghosts are
It’s a turn-based game with alternating turns. On the Pac-Player’s turn, Pac-Man
(or Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man Jr., etc.) can move from their current vertex to any adjacent
vertex, or stay put. The Ghosts are a team trying to catch Pac-Man, and have the same
mobility as Pac-Man (they can each take up to one step per turn). Ghosts are allowed to
share a vertex, and if one of them is ever in the same vertex as Pac-Man it’s game over.
There are no dots, power-ups, etc. so Pac-Man just has to keep running.
Pac-Man and the Ghosts both have complete knowledge of the game state at all times.
Your goal is to decide (yes/no) whether, for the given graph and starting positions, there
is a strategy for Pac-Man to avoid the Ghosts indefinitely, regardless of their chosen
Oh, and you should achieve this in time bounded by a polynomial in the input graph
size n + m = |V | + |E|.
XC1.3 [15 points]
A Weighted Companion Cube is an emotional-support object that can also be used
to escape puzzle chambers. In what follows you’ll have an opportunity to interact with
several Cubes and, perhaps, form a lasting bond with one of them.
In the Tunnel-Escape Problem, you’re (kidnapped and) placed at the leftmost end of
a tunnel—considered as the origin, x = 0, on a number line. There are n locked Doors to
your right standing between you and, supposedly, freedom. Also found in this tunnel at
various points are some number m of Cubes of different weights, as well as n “Platforms.”
• Each Platform has a distinct index, i ∈ [n], associating it to some Door i. Door i
is opened if you place a Cube of sufficient weight on Platform i; each Platform has
its own weight requirement ri (a positive integer). Any Cube of weight ≥ ri placed
on Platform i will cause Door i to open.
• You can only place at most one Cube on a given Platform at any one time. You
are strong enough to hold/carry any number of Cubes.
• If a Cube is lifted from Platform i where it was previously opening Door i, then this
Door shuts immediately (destroying any obstructing objects, so don’t try to jam
it!). You could, however, reopen that door, perhaps by placing a different Cube on
the platform.
You start out with perfect knowledge in this situation: You are given a list of 3n
positive integers
, Pi
, ri) , i ∈ [n] ,
where Di
is the location of Door i and Pi the location of Platform i, whose weight
requirement is ri
. You may assume D1 < D2 < . . . < Dn and, for each i, we have
Pi < Di
You are also given the locations and weights (`j
, wj ) , j = 1, 2, . . . , m, of all Cubes
(all positive integers). Assume that no initial placements of any objects coincide.
Give an algorithm of running time bounded by some polynomial in (n+ m) to decide,
given this information, whether it is possible to escape the tunnel. (Just decide. You
are not asked to output an action-sequence.) Prove your algorithm’s correctness and

democratic politics

First assessment: An essay of 2000 words due - in which students will be asked to answer one essay question on a topic covered in the first few lectures
“Most of those whose object it has been to instruct us…distinguish three kinds of constitutions, which they call kingship, aristocracy, and democracy. Now we should, I think, be quite justified in asking them to enlighten us as to whether they represent these three to be the sole varieties or rather to be the best; for in either case my opinion is that they are wrong. For it is evident that we must regard as the best constitution a combination of all these three varieties…” (Polybius History, book IV.3) Discuss with reference to ancient critiques of democracy and Polybius’ theory of the blended constitution.

Essay must offers a highly developed understanding of key theories, models, principles and practices of democracy within a Western European context. Excellent understanding of direct and indirect democracy; and classical democratic theories. Excellent use of evidence and relevant Western European examples to illustrate and back up answers. Draws effectively on a variety of relevant sources, including outside material.

Your work should be double spaced in font size 12 and in Ariel type face. It should be fully referenced in the Harvard system, and include a full bibliography. Please ensure that you submit a final copy of your work to SASC on the due date, and that you also submit a copy to Turnitin.

Ballet Midterm Essay on Serenade

OVERVIEW: Take notes on what you’re watching. Write very specifically to document the performance you’ve seen in a detailed, focused manner. Your goal: to describe the piece accurately instead of merely giving your opinion of the dance; describe and defend. Read dance reviews online or in the newspaper to see how they are written.
Your paper should be written according to the following:
The opening paragraph should name the piece, the choreographer of the piece, and the company performing the piece. It should give a brief overview of the piece: describing either the story line, or if no narrative is obviously present, describe the mood or overall ambience of the piece.
Identify two or three moments in the piece and concentrate on what most appealed to you about these pieces and dispense with the negative swiftly, unless you didn’t like the work at all. It is okay to not like something as long as you can defend your viewpoint. Example: “The dance began with a promising concept but the choreographer failed to deliver”. Then proceed to explain how and why the choreographer failed to deliver.
When writing about the video you viewed include both Intrinsic and Extrinsic elements:
Intrinsic Elements: Inherent elements that belong to the essential nature of the dance (an objective interpretation). These elements include
Type of movement (sharp, soft, light, heavy, bound, free)
Use of space (high, low, middle, expanded, compressed)
Tempo of movement/music (fast, slow, moderate)
Costumes, scenery/setting, lighting, make-up
Extrinsic Elements: Elements originating from the outside of the dance (your subjective interpretation). These elements include:
The viewer’s subjective interpretation of the dance (what you thought the dance was about – what you thought the intention of the choreographer was).
How the dance made you feel.
What you thought the dancers were feeling.
Do not merely describe the stage action. For example do not write: “three dancers came onstage and danced in the center followed by a solo by the lead dancer. Afterward, the entire group came on stage and danced together”. Instead tell your reader how the dancers were moving (intrinsic elements), how the movements made you feel as a viewer (extrinsic elements) and what you thought the intention of the dance was (extrinsic elements).
Ask yourself the following: Was the choreography imaginative? Did it communicate something? If so, what? Were there vague points to the story or theme?
You must also include the following:
Name of the musical composer and how/if the music supported or did not support the choreography.
Name of the lighting and costume designers (if listed) and how the lighting and costumes supported or did not support the choreography.
How did the dance you observed relate to what you have learned about dance in this course?
Additional comments followed by conclusion or brief summary paragraph stating why the performance worked or didn’t for you.
There must be:
An opening paragraph
The body of the paper
A closing paragraph
Each paragraph must have at least three-five sentences.
Use the correct tense, you are writing about something you already saw so use past tense “He moved quickly.” Keep that same tense present throughout the paper.
Do not use first person.
Do not use the words ‘really’, ‘a lot’, or ‘like’.
Refer to a dancer or choreographer the first time by full name, after, refer to that person by last name only.
Vary your use of verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
Refer to the dance and sections of the dance as ‘works’ or ‘pieces’ not ‘routines’ and ‘numbers’.
You may sight specific dancers by name.
Do not refer to the dancers as ‘girls’ and ‘boys’. When referring to gender use ‘male/female’ or ‘men/women’.

Narrative Essay Assignment

Overview Memories seemingly alter reality, taking your mind to another place and time. They can flood your brain for hours, make a lengthy car ride go by in a flash, or get you through a particularly mind-numbing classroom lecture. When your mind drifts to that special place and remembers a past experience, you are reflecting on your own unique story. A story that shares memories or stories from your life is called a personal narrative. The goal of such writing is to bring the memory/memories to life with details that will help the reader: see, hear, touch, and taste the experience. Narrative writings tell a story, and most often use: Action, Dialogue, and Description. This first writing assignment will be scored holistically, using a scoring guide that tells you how well you did. You will be able to improve your grade through further drafts of this Narrative (if there is any need for improvement). The plot diagram should be filled out first (similar to what we did as a class with Cinderella), and you will have time to begin the draft in class today. Please type up the Narrative essay/story and bring a printed out version of it for our peer-review process. The length should be 3 full pages or more.

Using Description and Details In your specific instance or scene, decide what details are necessary to include for the purpose of setting your reader up for your argument, and later, supporting your argument. • What was happening? • Who was there? • What was said? (dialogue is mandatory) • What did the setting look like? Smell like? Feel like? Sound like? etc • Why were you there? What were you thinking/feeling as the situation evolved? • How were you reacting? • How long ago was this? Reflection • Spend some time discussing the meaning of the experience, the realizations you had during the experience and now looking back on it.

Reflection should occur throughout the essay and at the end. It functions as your conclusion when it comes at the end, so should be one or two developed paragraphs that make reference back to details and examples provided in the essay.

Some Thoughts on What NOT to Do: • DO NOT use research (not even the Internet). This essay is about your experiences and reflection on those experiences.
• Try not to write something that makes you feel uncomfortable discussing in public.
• Don’t absolve yourself of any responsibility. If you were involved in a situation, you weren’t a saint or a martyr. Recognizing your faults will make it easier for the reader to see where you’re coming from. Topic

Suggestions Choose one of the topics below, or use an idea of your own from the photograph exercise.
1. We have all had experiences that have changed the directions of our lives. Such experiences may be momentous, such as moving from one part of the country to another or losing a family member or close friend. On the other hand, they may be experiences that did not appear particularly significant at the time but have since proved to be important. Recall such a turning point in your life, and present it so as to give the reader a sense of what your life was like before the event and how it changed afterward.
2. Without getting too sentimental or cute, recreate your childhood perspective of a particular family or community ritual. Your purpose might be to highlight the division between the child"s perspective and the adult"s, or it might be to illustrate the child"s movement toward an adult perspective.
3. Sometimes a significant relationship with someone can help us to mature, easily or painfully. Recount the story of such a relationship in your own life or in the life of someone you know well. If this relationship marked a turning point in your life or if it provided you with an important change of self-image, present enough information so that readers can understand the causes and effects of the change and can recognize the before-and-after portraits.
4. Write a reminiscence of a place that has had considerable significance for you (either during your childhood or more recently)--positive, negative, or both. For readers who are unfamiliar with the place, demonstrate its meaning through description, a series of vignettes, and/or an account of one or two key people or events you associate with that place. 5. In the spirit of the familiar saying, "It"s the going, not the getting there, that matters," write an account of a memorable journey, important either because of the physical, emotional, or psychological experience of travel; or because of the phenomenon of leaving somewhere for an unknown experience.

Influence of life stress on athletic injury

Guidelines For Final Research Paper

The purpose of this term paper is to explore and present information on a topic related to STRESS and EXERCISE or HEALTH. The paper is to include an introduction, purpose statement, short review of literature, and a brief summary of the articles followed by the student"s own thinking. The "own thinking" is important!

The paper is worth 50 points. They will be evaluated as follows:
o Introduction – 10 points
o Review of literature – 15 points
o Discussion – 10 points
o Own thinking/reaction - 10 points
o Bibliography-Reference – 5 points

"Coaching Hints" for Term Papers:
1. The bibliography for each paper must consist of at least six articles from
professional peer-reviewed journals
2. The length of the papers is a maximum of six typed pages, double spaced.
3. Form of Paper: Use APA format.
4. Scholarly approach - grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure,
spelling, etc. will be graded!!

There are 4 main parts to this research paper:

1) Introduction: (10 pts)
a. This section introduces your topic and makes the link between stress response and your topic, e.g., introduce hypertension then the stress hormones that are linked to hypertension. The introduction should lead into a clear statement of purpose that includes how exercise can mitigate or reduce the likelihood of your selected disease/condition. Make sure there are adequate transitions between paragraphs. You may use one of your articles to support the link between your topic and the stress response. Your text is a good source of information for this section.

2) Review of Literature: (15 pts)
a. The articles reviewed should relate to your purpose statement. At minimum you need three articles reviewed in this section – remember these are original investigations with a methods, results, and discussion section.
b. Methods should describe the study in good detail (but at the same time be concise!), e.g., population, treatment, how were variables measured and when. The results should be presented in a logical fashion and easy to follow, be sure to include the significant findings.
c. Avoid presenting your studies as abstracts, start with an opening statement that introduces the articles, e.g., Three studies authored by Evans have served as the conduit for increasing suspicion of chromium picolinate’s purported fat loss benefits. Each study (Evans, 1989; Evans & Pouchnik, 1993) recorded a decrease in body fat mass and an increase in lean mass. A similar decrease in body fat mass and increase in lean mass was observed by Kaats et al. (1996).
d. Following this paragraph would be more detail discussion of each study.

3) Discussion: (10 pts)
a. Discuss the findings of your studies reviewed as they relate to the purpose statement and make a clear conclusion. If you have previous research stated in the introduction, then you relate the findings of the present review of literature to the previous studies. Be critical here, if a study did found significant results but previous literature did not then explain why that might be.

4) Own Thinking/Reaction: (10 pts)
a. I would like for you to consider a couple of things in this section;
i. make connections of the articles reviewed to class content (you might use your text) and
ii. now that you know what you know, how might your use or apply this information.

5) References: (5 pts) – APA format

Remember the paper is 6 pages, double spaced (I stop reading at 6 pages). Include a minimum of 6 research articles

Don’t forget to correctly cite the references in text and in the reference list. Use APA style.

Scientific Research Evaluation

This assignment students are supposed to read and review an article (which I will provide) about some sort of scientific experiment. We must use the scientific method of how we thought the experiment went.

A.Find the main purpose and key question of the experiement. Identify the hypthesis, dependant variable and independand varibale of the experiment.
B.Find the point of view of the article as well as the significant underlying questions. How credible were the references used by the authors about previous studies? Any bias?
C.Find the most important scientific imformation linked to the experimental design. Briefly describe the procedure and identify the control. What are the key scientific concepts involved.
D. Analyze the results. In one paragraph explain what happened. What is one major finding? Did the results support the hypothesis? Did you find any patterns or trends not mentioned by the author?
E. Find the Main Conclusion for the experiment. Are these conclusions over generalized or appropiate? Are there any other factors not mentioned by the aurthor that could have influenced the results?
F. Find the Main Implications of both accepting and or rejceting the findings of the particular paper. Suggest any possible future research studies to clarify their results or improve them.
G. Analyze the credibilty of the sources cited by the aurthors to support their research, as well as the crediblity of the research paper as a whole.
H. Your Opinion. Do you think this is a good experiment? What do you think of the results? List 2 references you will use to verify some of the scientific information found in this article.

Write a 2 page minimum report using the information fro the article
Using complete sentances, and an objective voice.
Do not label or number each paragraph.

Points will be distributed by:
1. Top of 1st page: My name, Title of the article, journal, year, author
2. Main purpose and key question
3. Point of view and underlying questions
4. Scientific information linked to experimental design and key concepts
5. Analysis of results
6. Main Conclusion
7. Main Implications
8. Analysis of credibility of sources
9. Your opinion
10. Overall presentation; correct grammar and paragraph flow, and include copy of article.

Below is the link for the article that I chose to write about. I know this is short term, but I am hoping that someone could help me on this. I am not looking for A+ work, B would be better if that makes any sense. Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you


Proposal Bringing Lean Six Sigma principles into service business.

This assignment is a proposal about how I am going to move forward with my research. It needs to be approved before I can start my actual case study.

Instructions for this 4 page proposal:
-This will be the discussion for the final project it should include the problem or topic description and background. The problem and topic description is "bringing lean six sigma principles into service business.
-Problem formulation  (What you will be discussing, analyzing, investigating, specificallynot generally) Problem formulation is that Lean Six is really designed for manufactoring jobs. However, some aspects of it can be transfered into a service business.
Preliminary list of refereed literature references ( journal article, practitioner or academic, minimum of 12)  (can"t use magazines, websites, wiki etc.)  These citations need to be found that relate to my problem area (bringing Lean Six Sigma Principles into Service Industry) they need to be listed not actually cited in the 4 page document. I will cite them in the actual case study after this proposal gets approved.
-Planned activities; research methods, availability of and acess to data- The plan going forward. How am I going to research and plan out this case study?
-Project schedule; resources, needed/availability, other considerations.

The business that I am doing the Case Study on is called Glass Restoration Guru you can find more information about them here: www.Phoenixglassrepair.com  or, www.scratchedglass.repair (that one doesn"t seem to work all the time) You can also ask me any questions you need to help with this assignment.

Cultural Psychology Research Proposal

This assignment is for a third year psychology BSc at a British university. The module is cultural psychology. The assignment is a hypothetical research proposal (the research will never actually be carried out, so there is a bit of freedom on what to do). It is really a test of ability to create a research proposal by designing a study to explore a topic of cultural psychology.

The topic that I have is how humour is different/used in different cultures.

Please carfully read the first Word document attached called "Cultural Psychology Research Proposal", as this gives very precise details of what needs to be done for this assignment.

Also attached are some lecture notes from this module, most importantly the research methods in cultural psychology.

Here are some sources for this topic to help begin:




Here is some communication from the professor:

"You should assume that it is you carrying the research out, but that you have unlimited resources and access to participants. The research idea does not have to be grounded in previous research, but needs to be related to existing research or theories. This relation can be tangential, and thus should not restrict you in any way."

"If you have a hypothesis, e.g., on cultural differences in humour, you could propose and experiment. For example, you could take a stock joke, and alter aspects of it according to your hypothesis, e.g., self-defeating vs self-enhancing, and assess how funny it is across cultures. Or you could focus on the use of humour in certain contexts, e.g., when one is embarrassed or has experienced tragedy (or other negative life events to look "on the bright side")."

I can try and provide more information and guidance if needed. I"ve never used a service like this before, and am still quite unsure about it.

First Paper Assignment

Paper is worth 20 % of total class grade Paper page limit: 5-7 pages References: Paper should include at least 2 references from class readings. Paper Distributed February 15, 2017 First Draft of paper due HARD COPY for peer editing Friday February 24, 2017 Final Draft of Paper due electronically on March 1, 2017 (at 5:00 PM) in SafeAssign Write on one of the following two topics:
Option 1: Police brutality has become front-page news in America. Durkheim, Marx and Weber presented some arguments that can help us understand this significant social problem. Use the perspective from one of these theorists for the paper assignment (either Durkheim or Marx or Weber). Using a variety of their ideas, show how this theorist would explain police brutality in the U.S. today using the theoretical concepts and ideas of this specific theorist about society. Specifically: a) provide a diagnosis of the problem of police brutality in light of their general analysis of society; and b) use their ideas to prescribe what can be done to end police brutality.
Option 2: Chicago has a crisis in education, specifically with respect to public schoolings. In 2013 for example, about 50 schools were closed. Since then there has been ongoing discussions about more closing of Chicago Public Schools (CPS), and debates all over Chicago about these closings among policy makers, activists and social scientists. Imagine that a Durkheimian, a Marxist and a Weberian Sociologist who live in Chicago analyzed how they see the problem of education in Chicago. Each one of them presented some arguments about: a) the diagnosis of the problem of education in Chicago in light of their general analysis of society; and b) what should be fixed to solve this problem. You are asked to take one side in this debate (either Durkheimian or Weberian and or Marxist). Present this in the paper assignment. In the assignment, you should show how this theorist (one theorist) would explain the crisis of education in the U.S. today and what can be done about it, using the theoretical concepts and ideas of this specific theorist about society.
Further Instructions:1- While the instruction says, you need to cite two references from the readings (of the theorist you choose), this means from the COURSE READINGS. But you may cite other sources such as newspaper articles, other books and journal articles. But in general, you should include in your references ANY MATERIALS YOU ARE USING in the paper, other than your thinking.

2- ANY unverified websites are NOT appropriate to cite in this paper and if you are uncertain, ask the TA before using it

Popular Culture Analysis


For this assignment, you will analyze one popular culture example and explore how it addresses and represents diversity and/or reproduces oppression and inequity. The objective of this assignment is to develop your ability to expose taken for granted elements of everyday (or mainstream) experiences and ideas, consider how larger structural and systemic forces are at play, reflect upon the intersecting forms of oppression (‘isms’) informing popular culture examples, and consider how these elements are relevant in educational/schooling contexts.
Selecting a popular culture example
The term ‘popular culture’ is a broad umbrella term referring to many things, including the ideas, values, images, and phenomena found within the mainstream of a society. In particular, popular culture can refer to the types of cultural products we enjoy in our leisure time, including movies, music, TV shows, as well as social media sites like Twitter.
To complete your popular culture analysis, you will choose ONE of the following popular culture products: a song, a TV show episode, a movie clip, or a Twitter exchange. In your analysis you will explore the questions outlined below.
Guidelines for writing your analysis
These questions can be used as subheadings to structure your 2-3 page written analysis.
1. What is the surface message or goal?
• Briefly describe your popular culture example and explain why you selected it. You should clearly identify how it (on the surface) addresses/represents diversity and/or reproduces inequity. What is the obvious goal, outcome, consequence, or effect of this example?

2. What power structures, systemic forces, or mechanisms are at play?
• What hidden power structures and systemic forces are at play in your popular culture example? Here, you will move beyond the surface message or goal of your pop culture example and uncover relevant unseen mechanisms (at least 2) that are working in the background. Drawing on theoretical concepts from course readings and lectures will help you identify and explore these power structures.
3. Exploring the taken for granted and unquestioned. What else does the Pop Culture example do?
• Now, consider how you might go beyond naming hidden power structures and mechanisms at work. Put simply, extend your discussion to consider what ‘else’ might this popular culture example do? Question what might be taken for granted about the example you chose, including what misconceptions, stereotypes, or contradictions might be at work within it. For instance, a song or TV episode may on the surface seem to be challenging racism, sexism, homophobia, or classism, etc; however, when examined more closely it may also be reinforcing (through omission or through other stereotypes) different inequities. Therefore, consider what other inequities are also at play, but that may not be obvious on the surface. This is one way of accounting for intersectionality.

4. Educational relevance and classroom implications
• Taking into consideration your discussion and analysis up to this point, discuss the impact your pop culture example (and similar types of popular culture) might have on the classroom environment, including experiences, views, and expectations around learning. For example, you may wish to imagine a scenario in which a student (or even a teacher) has viewed or listened to your selected TV show, song, movie or Twitter exchange before entering the classroom. How might the messages within your pop culture artifact (hidden and obvious) impact on the everyday classroom environment?

Mental Illness and the Media

Abnormal Psychology Book Kearney &amp;amp;Trull (2015). Abnormal Psychology and Life A dimensional Approach 2nd ed. Stamford, C: Cengage Learning.
Your assignment: Review the information on disorders in your final chapters as well as chapter 10, pages 291-303 in preparation for this assignment. As you have read the material for the past few weeks, have you been reminded of anyone that you suspect might be diagnosed into one of the personality disorder categories such as Paranoid Personality Disorder, Schizoid/Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Anxious/Fearful, Dependent, or Obsessive-Compulsive? What about other diagnoses from our final chapters on the Developmental and Cognitive disorders such as Autism, Mental Retardation, or Asperger"s?

In your assignment this week, share your thoughts. You may write about yourself, a family member, or even a famous person that you suspect or know has one of these diagnoses or tendencies. Think about how these disorders are portrayed in the media.

Do you think the media portrays the experience accurately? Why or why not? Is it portrayed respectfully; too seriously; with too much humor? Do you think there is an unnecessary stigma attached to mental illness? How might this affect a person in treatment?

solar panels station in Palestine

Component of the feasibility study

The executive summary provides an overview of the content contained in the feasibility study document.

This section provides a high level description of the products and/or services which are being considered as part of the feasibility study. In this case we will focus on solar panels in Jenin city.

This section should explain any considerations the organization must make with regards to technology. Many new initiatives rely on technology to manage or monitor various business functions. New technology may be developed internally or contracted through a service provider and always result in costs which must be weighed in determining the path forward.

It may describe who the target market consists of for these products or services, who the competitors are, how products will be distributed, and why customers might choose to buy our products/services. (Palestinian society)

How does an organization differentiate itself from its competitors; types of marketing the organization will utilize; and who the organization will target. Marketing efforts must be focused on the right target groups in order to yield the greatest return on investment.

Capital requirements
- How much funding will the project need and when
- When will the investor begin to see a return (ROI)
7. Statement of Viability
In this final section, you need to clearly state if the project is viable, under what circumstances and with what caveats, which is the ultimate objective of the Feasibility Study.
Outcomes of a Feasibility Study
• Project Problems – Does the study include risk or problematic areas that need to be addressed and are they clearly identified?
• The Outcome – Ever study should identify the process, product, client request, and goal and how they will affect the outcome; positively or negatively. Will outcomes be beneficial or deterrent?
• Alternatives – Are possible alternatives available or suggested and researched?
• Assessment – The assessment part of your feasibility study should include risk management and controls, solutions, if the project is feasible, and how the project should be implemented.

American Journal of Health Promotion

Paper Instruction:
➢ Select and read a research based articles on behavior changes or some related topic from among those published in the following journals: ( years 2013-2017):
American Journal of Health Promotion
American Journal of Public Health
Health Education and Behavior
Health Education Research
Health Promotion and Practice
Journal of Health Education
Journal of School Health
➢ Paper must be typed: Times New Roman/Ariel font, 1 inch margins all around, double-spaced; 5-7 pages in length. Must include a title page and a references page( these are not included in the 5-7 pages)
A copy of the articles MUST BE ATTACHED. The format and referencing should be according to American Psychological Association (APA); all pages must be numbered, paragraphs indented.
Content of the paper:
➢ The purpose of the paper, why was it written, what were the research questions the researchers were trying to answer. What was their hypothesis, if any and how did they want to go about proving that.
➢ Methods/Materials: what were the methods/ materials that they attempted to use to prove their point; what was done, how was the study designed, who were the subjects, who did the measuring etc.; describe the design.
➢ Results: what were the results, and what are the main points/findings. Here interpret the results and give your opinion of the results.
➢ Critique: how would you have done this study differently; what in your opinion were some strengths and weaknesses of this study. Explain how you would use this same topic in your community—to promote this behavior change in the community. Who would you target and why? What creative techniques would you use?
➢ Conclusions: What were the authors’ conclusions? Did they prove their point? What did you learn from the article and why this topic is important for health education to promote significant health behavior change?

Culture in Galway with relation to Galway representing Europe as a city of culture for 2020.

The aim of the research is to illustrate how Galway can be critically assessed as a cultural issue with realtion to contemporary urban planning after being chosen to represent Europe as a city of culture for 2020.

How Galway is such a cultural city and what cultural aspects it has to offer.
As it has been chosen for the capital of culture for 2020, How it is supporting this title, aims and objectives, urban planning in relation to this ETC.

Human Resources Management (HRM)

My major is HR, and I completed master degree. I am planning to apply for doctoral degree. I need to select a topic first of all, then write a proposal. Please send me list of topics related to my major and is related to my supervisor interest. Below is her information. Once we agree on a topic, I will ask you to write the proposal.

I completed my doctoral research at Aston University and entered academe since. My academic experience thus spans more than 2 decades from postgraduate research student at the Aston University, through Manchester and Birmingham Business Schools, to the present day at Salford Business School.
I have provided academic leadership as the Director of the Research Centre for People, Work & Organization (2003-2009) and Research Centre for Organizational Behaviour and Leadership (2009- 2011), and through supervision of doctoral researchers. Over the past 7 years 7 doctoral candidates under my supervision have completed their thesis and graduated from Salford University.
I have been involved over the years in various research projects sponsored by such funding bodies as EPSRC , ESF, ESRC, KTP. The outcomes of these projects have been judged by the funding bodies frequently as outstanding [e.g. the EBK project].
I am one of the cofounders of OLC-MENA (the Organizational Learning Conference- Middles East and North Africa), which held its inaugural in November 2012 in Abu Dhabi. The second Conference will be in /October 2013 in Dubai. The other cofounders are Dr Garad and Dr Khouri.
I presented my key note speech along with Peter Senge and Jeff Gold.
I have taught on Post graduate and Undergraduate courses over the past 2 decades.
My teaching subject areas mainly fall under the discipline of Organization Theory and Organizational Behaviour. Within such disciplines I teach the following subject areas and have done over years:
• organization structure & design
• new forms of organizing and work
• leading change and innovation
• managing change
• organizational learning & sense making
• management thoughts & paradigms
• managerial and leadership behaviour
• organizational misbehaviour
• managing groups & teams
The main focus is and has been on micro and macro aspects of organization and organizing.
Further to the above I also teach Research Methods to the Post Graduate students at Master and PhD levels. This includes Research Design, Doing Qualitative Research, Ethnography, Preparing for research degree assessments and so on.
Research Interests
Sudi’s research areas can be summarized as follows: Managing Organizational Change and Innovation, Organizational Sense making, Organizational Learning, Politics of Change, Ethnography of Doing Research, Product Design and Development. She is currently collaborating on research with colleagues in Universities across UK and Europe [Sheffield, Sweden and the Netherlands] which focuses on the developments in Home-based Teleworking and the implications for the European Labour Market. In addition, Sudi is one of the cofounders of OLC-MENA (the Organizational Learning Conference- Middle East and North Africa),which successfully held its inaugural in November 2012 in Abu Dhabi and the next conference is being organized and planned for October 2013 in Dubai, UAE. Sudi has completed an ESRC project classified as ‘outstanding’ into how SME’s know and learn. She acts as a consultant on managing change in Knowledge Transfer Projects and has been working with an NHS Trust on developing ‘a tool kit’ for assessment of stroke patients. She has had various roles including managing the graduate teaching scheme and doctoral programme as well as leading Research Centres. She has successfully graduated 9 PhD students.
Qualifications and Memberships
PhD (Aston) in Management and Managerial work
MSc (Aston) HRM
A sample of papers published and presented
• “Virtually co-located product design teams: Sharing teaming experiences after the event? (with Kul Pawar) International Journal of Production and Operations Management. 2002, 22: 6

• Organizational Learning and Resistance to Change in Estonian Companies. (With Ruth Alas). Human Resource Development International.5: 3. September 2002

• “Demystifying the Learning Processes in Collaborative New Product Development". (with Helen Perks).International Journal of New Product Development, Innovation and Management, Vol. 5:3, 2003

• “Ticking time and side cupboards: the journey of a patient”. In Czarniawska Barbara & Gagliardi Pasquale: Narratives We Organize By. John Benjamins Publishing Company 2003

• “The bind of habit: problems with pragmatic views of organization” (with Robin Holt-EBK). Paper submitted to the Organizational Knowledge and Learning Conference (OKLC), Innsbruck, Austria. 2-3 April 2004

• “Lifting the Veil: Liberation or repression of women”. (with Chris Rees). Paper presented at the EURAM Annual Conference, Munich, Germany May 2005

• “Accounting for Organization: Round up the usual suspects: (With Ossie Jones and Steve Conway). Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 17: 2-3 Pp 283 February-April 2006

• “Organization Transformation in Transition Economies: Studying Change from Learning and Complexity theory Perspective”. (with Michael Zhang). “EIASM 2nd Workshop on ‘Organizational Change and Development in Transitional Countries. Vilnius, Geiminas Technical University, Vilnius Lithuania, October 2007

• “Organization, Fairness & Commitment: A review with a view”. (with Bandar Abu-Tayeh). Paper submitted to EURAM 8th -Ljubljana & Bled-Slovenia, 14-17 May 2008

• “Sense making Recipes: Examples from Small firms”. (with Michael Zhang). International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 15:6, 2009

• "China and Estonia in flux: is this a valid basis for comparison of their approaches to change management”, (with Ruth Alas) Engineering Economics, 2: 62, 2009
Awaiting Referees comments
• “Foreseeing the past and reflecting the future: Losing, unlearning and forgetting it”, (with Julia Claxton)- Learning Organization Journal
Papers in Preparation:
• “To manage change or not to manage change: what is the question?” (with Julia Claxton) being prepared for Journal of Mangement Inquiry

• “Mantenere Lo Stato: Management politics and politicking” (with Mike Bonsall) Being prepared for Academy of Management Review
[Has been commented on by the Editor in chief]
• “Body Work and Organizational Misbehaviour: On patients, hospitals and negotiated order” (with Helen Richardson)-Being prepared for Human Relations
• “Research, politics and identities: storming not forming in academic teams” (with Ossie Jones) – Being prepared for Journal of Ethnography

According to news reports, world prices of primary commodities have remained volatile over the past decade. Compare the trends in two commodities of your choice over the past five years and analyse the causes of such trends.

TOPIC: According to news reports, world prices of primary commodities have remained volatile over the past decade. Compare the trends in two commodities of your choice over the past five years and analyse the causes of such trends.
1.Provide graphs showing how the price of each of your commodities has changed over the past 5 years.

2.Identify significant changes/trends in the price
3.For each of these:
1.What are the changes in demand that have caused the price to change?
2.What are the changes in supply that have caused the price to change?
3.Use supply &amp; demand diagrams to show how these changes have led to a change in price
Good presentations will:
•Recognise that each change in price may be caused by many different changes in both supply and demand
•Consider &amp; explain how elasticity of both supply and demand have contributed to the price changes
•Use credible data and academic research to provide evidence for the points you make
Don"t forget to state the source of any data and include a final slide showing all your references.

The specific learning outcomes for this contributory assessment are as follows:
· Apply knowledge of relevant concepts and models to economic issues
· Analyse (break down issues and comment) on information with graphs, tables, statistical data and other supporting evidence
· Weigh up /compare supporting evidence to theory and present own ideas/ add or voice or position


What is the title, author and date of this work?

Who is the intended audience?
What is the position, argument, or subject presented? (Give details)
What was going on at the time this was written (political, social, economic, etc.) that is relevant to the subject?
How does the context of the document’s creation and author help you discern its trustworthiness, bias, problems, etc.?
Give your personal opinion at the end as to whether this work is relevant to history students today, and support your position with detail.

Patient Experience in Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy

Assignment 1
Project Title: (7) Patient Experience in Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy
The term patient experience is an ever-evolving notion of patient satisfaction. In the past,
patients’ satisfaction was centralized on the level of service that patients received while being
treated. In economics, the movie theatre and the hospital have a great deal in common; each
industry extracts commodities to make goods that deliver a service. A service is generally
something that a person can do themselves, but pay someone else to do for them. However, it can
also pertain to an action that cannot be performed by the individual themselves. For example,
when one pays for the service of an oil change for their car or a meal at a restaurant. The only
difference between these two industries is that the entertainment industry recognizes that while
receiving a service, the patron also gains an experience. Nobody leaves a movie theatre
discussing the level of service they received, but rather the experience they had.
More recently within the health care field, the term patient experience has emerged and is
defined by the Beryl Institute as “the sum of all interactions, shaped by the organization’s culture
that influences patient perceptions across the continuum of care”. [4] This means that every
interaction with health care professionals (HCPs), help to shape patients perceptions of their
health care experience. Although there is literature reviews based on the general level of patient
care, perception, and experience, there is little focus in the medical radiation sciences: medical
imaging and radiation therapy [1].
When patients routines change, it often has profound effects on their thinking and their
behaviour which changes the patients perceptions, which alters patient experience. If each
interaction with a HCP has an effect, then how can one measure going from good to great in
patients perception? The objective of this study is to survey patients of medical radiation
sciences (medical imaging, and radiation therapy) to determine a new approach to improving
patient experience.
Studying patient experience provides valuable information that can be used to enhance
the performance and relationships of HCPs with patients. Contemporary categories of patient
experience, developed and studied upon today, mostly encompass patient-centered care and
patient engagement. Although studies focusing on the broader entailment of patient experience
have been considerable in number, studies focusing specifically on the experience of medical
imaging and radiation therapy have been few. [1] Thus, a concern has risen in aspects of patients
experiencing diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy such as patient satisfaction, compliance,
and even mental health - explicitly, how these aspects relate to HCP interactions with patients.
By studying the effects and emotions provoked by HCP interactions with patients, practices can
be developed to have an overall improved patient experience. Specifically in the field of
diagnostics and radiation therapy, medical practice has become only more time-limited and
technologically focused promoting a reduction in the quantity and quality of HCP to patient
relations. Hence, the importance and necessity to better patient experience, particularly in the
understudied field of diagnostics and radiation therapy patient experience, has only increased.
The answer this study pursues is if patients are satisfied with how they are treated by
HCPs when undergoing medical imaging or radiation therapy. Furthermore, this study will
investigate ways to better patient to HCP relationships and interactions. With this information, an
overall better patient experience can be developed, allowing patients to obtain an improved
emotional outcome and contentment with HCP performance from undergoing medical imaging
or radiation therapy.
Lay Abstract:
Health is considered as one of the most important wealths that a person could ever have.
Ill health is dreaded by most and, to avoid such, people tend to do all that they can to avoid
getting ill. Understanding the need for medical solutions that are innovative and directly
addresses the problem of patients, doctors now use medical imaging and radiation therapy to
hasten healing process, avoid diseases, or to prolong life. Patients, however, need to understand
the benefits of such medical technologies and their impact on health.
Over the past 30 years, medical practitioners have been using the technology called
medical imaging. According to the Medical Imaging and Technology Association (MITA),
medical imaging “allows doctors to find disease earlier and improve patient outcomes”. [5] It has
been found to be effective in the early detection of diseases, which allows curative actions to
take place before an ailment becomes more serious or incurable. It is even considered one of the
top medical innovations in the past 1,000 years. Additionally, it encompasses the different
modalities of imaging and processes to image the body of the patients for purposes of diagnosis
and treatment. The use of effective, safe, and good quality imaging aids in decision-making and
may reduce procedures that are unnecessary, such as lessening the need for surgical
Additionally, another medical breakthrough, radiation therapy, makes use of high energy
radiation that kills cancer cells or shrinks tumors. Examples of radiation that are used for the
treatment of cancer include gamma rays, X-rays and charged particles. The radiation may be
delivered through a radioactive material that is placed near the cancer cells in the body or
through a machine outside the body. An example of a radioactive material that would be placed
inside the body would be radioactive iodine. It is used for systematic radiation therapy, meaning
the substance travels in the blood to destroy cancer cells. [5]

Monday 27 February 2017

Effects of Globalization on Culture

Globalization often means modernization and even westernization or Americanization. Discuss the impact of globalization on cultures around the world and include in your discussion the concepts of glocalization and cultural hybridity. Give specific examples.

Write an applied research and position paper on the above topic. While your analysis should consider all relevant sources and concepts we cover in this course*, it should also bring additional information and scholarship to your issue. This is not simply a personal essay or opinion piece—you must support your analysis and position with solid research and scholarship. Be certain that you fully answer the assigned question with specific applications and illustrations.

Papers will be graded in terms of comprehensiveness, relevancy to course themes, application and development of concepts, support for your position, depth and breadth of analysis and interpretation, creativity, and command of relevant concepts and literature. An abundance of writing errors will definitely lower your score. Please carefully proofread and edit your final draft before you submit it for grading. Your paper should be approximately 10-12 double-spaced pages using 12-point font with complete footnotes or endnotes and bibliography. Direct quotes, paraphrases, and specific concepts or facts require citations using the Chicago style (see syllabus), not MLA or APA.

Create Database Schema Diagram in Visio (Entity Relationship Diagram)

This assignment encompasses the first part of a two-part case. You will create an E-R model for each part of this assignment, using the Ivey School of Business Doctoral Tracking Database case. For this first part of the assignment, you will be modeling only a portion of the information - the basic information that must be kept about each student and faculty member and a relationship between them. Be sure to read the entire case for context and additional information relating to the student, but the core of your model will be on the first paragraph of page 4:

"Of course, basic information had to be kept on each student: first and last name, student number, home address and telephone, office number and office phone, spouse"s name, enrollment status (full-time, part-time, on leave or withdrawn). In addition, the date the student enrolled in the program was recorded in order to monitor the university requirement that the doctoral program be completed in a maximum of seven years, and the names of the student"s academic advisor, thesis advisor, the members of the thesis examining committee, and the thesis title all had to be recorded. For future reference, the Ph.D. program office also wanted to record each student"s date of convocation, whether the thesis contained international content and what the student"s first permanent job was after graduation."

[David Kolterman and Sid Huff. 1997. "Ivey School of Business: The Doctoral Tracking Database" Ivey Management Services, case 9A98E015, page 4]

Include the following information in this Part 1 submission.

For each student, you must track the student"s name, home telephone number, home address. You must also track enrollment status and the date that enrollment status started.
For each faculty member, you must track the faculty member"s name, office telephone number and office number.
The relationship between faculty and students is:
each student must have one and only one academic advisor.
each faculty member may have one or more student advisees.
any information such as keys, needed to track this relationship must also be modeled.
Names of the student"s academic advisor, thesis advisor, the members of the thesis examining committee, and the thesis title all had to be recorded.
You will have to adjust this model later, based on the additional information in the case, but for now, remember to only include the above information. Save a copy of this first model as a reference for an assignment in Module 3a.

Refer to the sample reports fragments below to help you understand some of the requirements for part 1. If the model you are creating were implemented, it should allow for the generation of those reports.

Learning Objectives

Develop Entity-Relationship modeling skills and use correct formatting; model everything in the description in at least third normal form.
Model data from a set of requirements (using a standard set of techniques).

For the modeling assignment, use the Visio Database Model Diagram with Crow"s Foot notation (because, among other reasons, it is much easier to draw). Within the diagram you must specify all entities, attributes (specifying unique identifiers and optionality), and relationships (including cardinality and optionality). Be sure to resolve all many-to-many relationships. The model should be presented no less than third normal form.