Wednesday 1 March 2017

Women’s experience of acute and chronic pain following breast cancer surgery

The aim of this module is to develop the student’s ability to critically analyse published research and
Other types of evidence and relate it to practice. Learning Outcomes of the Module
1. Critically evaluate evidence used within the student’s field of practice
2. Utilise knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research to provide a rationale for practice
3. Compare and contrast different types of evidence and the appropriateness of such evidence to inform practice Indicative Module Content.
Review of evidence-based practice and the research process; how to critically evaulate sources of
evidence; critiquing different research methodologies; models and frameworks for critically
evaluating research; research design; data analysis; ethics and research governance;
involving stakeholders in research; dissemination and application of research in practice.
Choose a named model/framework/approach to critiquing research
. • Having discussed the reasons behind your choice of critiquing model/framework/approach, use it to write a detailed critical review of your chosen research article.
• The introduction to your assignment should first identify and justify your choice of critiquing model/framework/approach and then provide a brief overview of the aims, methods and findings of your article.
• The main part of your assignment should provide a detailed critique of your chosen article using the relevant sections/headings of your model/framework and referring to appropriate theory related to best practice in research. Within this you must demonstrate your understanding of fundamental research concepts.
• Conclude by discussing how the skills you have developed in critically reviewing research will help you in using research findings as a basis for your practice.

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