Friday 10 March 2017

Fossil Species Account

In this project, you will be required to write a species account for three fossil species of your choice. Each account should be written in full sentences (where applicable), and be approximately 350 words in length.
See for what a “species account” looks like; however, please note that this example is much longer than what you are require to write. Also, this example is of an extant species so different categories of information are indicated below.
The following categories are required, but you may add additional categories at your discretion.
When existed and when extinct:
Geographic range:
Physical description:
Life history (diet, reproduction, habitat, etc):
Each account must include at least three references, and all information must be properly citied in text and in the reference section. You may not use web-references for this project; all references must be from journal articles, conference proceedings, etc.
Each account must include at least two figures (illustrations, photographs, or diagrams). These figures must be free from copyright infringement, such as creative commons or public domain licensing. The license information must be included in the account, either in the figure legend or at the end of the references.
There will be no mercy for any form of plagiarism! This includes copying, downloading, cutting-and-pasting, and not correctly referencing phrases/sentences/concepts/thoughts that are not your own.

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