Wednesday 8 March 2017

History of Women in the US

History of Women in the US Midterm Paper Assignment
Please don’t be overwhelmed by the instructions ;-) Read the instructions, let me know if you have questions, and please know that help is always available.
This is a research and integration paper and is worth 70 points.
The review from the Casper College Writing Center or from SmarThinking (details below) is included in the grade points (the rubric).
1. Go to the Casper College Library and select one reading from the online Women’s Studies journals available through the Casper College library databases. Select a journal article that personally interests you and addresses some facet of women’s history in the US.

2. You must get my approval for the selected journal article before proceeding with the analysis. You’ll get approval by posting the title of your journal article to the discussion board found at the top of our homepage. Make sure the title of the post is the title of your article. In the body of the post, briefly describe the topic of the journal article, tell which journal published the article, and confirm that the journal of peer-reviewed. I’m happy to discuss the topic with you during my office hours or via e-mail, but I need the discussion post to make it official. This post is worth 10 points and if you’ve received the points, the topic has been approved. Please note that links to the database don’t work; go ahead and list the topic yourself and describe the article.

3. Find one other online source that discusses the topic and use it in your analysis. This source does not necessary need to be academic, but please use common sense in selecting the source. Here’s an example: if the topic of your journal article is women’s education, you could use the American Association of University Women (AAUW) website to find some information to include in the midterm.

4. Write a 3-4 page analysis of the journal article being sure to include some of the topics we’ve covered by midterm. How does your topic relate to our course topics?

5. Please take care to write three full pages, not including the Work Cited page

6. Follow 2009 MLA format. There’s a link at the top of our homepage to a sample 2009 MLA paper. Your paper should follow the following format:
a. 3-5 pages
b. One-inch margins
c. 12-pt Times New Roman Font
d. Works Cited page (please see sample paper for format if you’re unsure). I always use to create citations when I’m writing papers. Knightcite will create your entries for you and you can cut and paste them into your Works Cited page, but you will need to change the font to 12-pt TNR and the formatting to hanging indent.
You should have three entries on your Works Cited page: the academic journal article, your second online source, and our textbook.
7. Your paper must be reviewed before submitting it. You have two choices:
a. Take your paper to the Casper College Writing Center. They will send me an e-mail telling me that you’ve visited the center.
b. Use the online SmarThinking resource. Please follow the instructions for submitting papers to SmarThinking which are posted at the top of our homepage.
WMST Midterm Journal Article Report Grading Rubric
(70 Points)
Excellent discussion of detail
12 Adequate discussion of detail
8-4 Vague discussion of detail
Impressive depth of insight/analysis
12 Adequate depth of insight/analysis
8-4 Unexceptional insight/analysis
Effective conclusion/integration
12 Adequate conclusion/integration
8-4 Weak conclusion/integration
Format and Style
Excellent MLA Style
10 Adequate MLA Style
8-4 Poor MLA Style
Correct grammar/
no spelling mistakes
10 Few grammar errors/
Few spelling mistakes
8-4 Incorrect grammar/
many spelling mistakes
Correct Number of Pages and Sources for Assignment + Review by Smarthinking or Writing Center
14 Adequate manuscript
8-4 Incorrect Number of Pages for Assignment
Total Points
________ Sum points to get total score.

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