Wednesday 8 March 2017

The Effects of Globalization on Popular Culture (Since 1945)

The project asks you to choose a country from South America, Africa, the Middle East, or Asia (excluding Japan) and study the effects of globalization on its native popular culture since 1945.

In the first phase of the major project, you will submit a paper proposal of 500-750 words (2-3 pages). Before you begin your proposal, you should read through the entire Final Project description and do a check for scholarly sources on your topic through the College Library and Google Scholar.

Your proposal should include:

1. The name of your country of choice and why you chose this country.
2. Based on your preliminary research, what are the most important effects of globalization on the popular culture of your chosen country between 1945 and the present?
3. How have you determined there are adequate sources to meet the project’s requirements (showing cultural change related to globalization between 1945 and the present)? Please explain. Also, what types of sources, search engines, and examples of popular culture do you plan to use and how will you acquire them to ensure you meet the source and evidence requirements (and avoid potential language differences)? Reference at least three credible sources you identified in your initial research you believe will be of benefit in completing the project.
4. Finally, provide at least three research questions that will guide your further investigation into the country of choice.

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