Friday 10 March 2017

investigating differences in M&A activity within US industries.

The research is about investigating differences in M&A activity within US industries. Three hypothesis have been developed, but can of course be improved as I think they aren"t particurarly strong.

The questions boil down to:

1. What are post-acquisition performance differences between serial acquirers (see Macias et al 2016) in different industries? A calendar time approach would be used for this, but again, open to any ideas.

2. What are the differences between serial acquirers in industries where there is "high" M&A activity? High is relative of course, so it would require some creativity from your part.

3. Last, how do patent rights within industries impact this? I.e. do strong patent rights encourage M&A transactions, due to competitors not being able to simply imitate and reproduce products from competitors?

The deadline is far away (+/- 2 months), but some progress on 2-week basis is required (e.g. one chapter). Comments and feedback from my supervisor should then be incorporated in the final version...

Hope to hear from anyone interested in doing this; it is my first time using this platform :-).

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