Thursday 9 March 2017

The Hyperloop vs. The Kantrowitz Limit

1.0 Introduction
A major objective of the report is to successfully communicate technical ideas.
The entire report should normally be approximately 3,000 words in length, that is approximately 12-15 pages of double-spaced text in 12 point font, on standard letter size paper with margins not less than one inch.
The audience for your report will be your marker, who will be an engineer or computer scientist. Write your report at a technical level that is understandable to your audience, i.e. a reader who has an engineering background but who is not familiar with your work. Your audience may probably not be familiar with the acronyms and local jargon. Make sure that you define all acronyms and terms. A glossary placed at the beginning of your report can assist the reader without hampering the readability of your report.
Write your report in a formal style, avoiding usage of the first person at all times. Sentences such as "I machined five of these cylinders on the lathe" should be expressed as "Five of these cylinders were machined on the lathe".
Writing style, spelling, punctuation and the report format will constitute 30% of your marks. If you feel you need information on writing style, read one of the recommended texts listed in the List of References at the end of the guidelines. If the report is not confidential it is further suggested that you have someone peer review or proof read your work prior to submitting.
The technical report is an engineering report. It is more than just a technical description or a “how to manual”. It outlines how technical information was applied to solve an engineering problem. The problem may be one that you worked on directly or assisted with. Choosing a topic and developing the report content can be the most difficult part of writing the report.
The following section will deal with developing a report topic. The rest of the guidelines will describe the report format.

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