Thursday 9 March 2017

Comparative paper in the area of computing science

OverviewWrite a short comparative paper in the area of computing science software/services. For the this assignment, only read and (to some degree) understand a minimum of 5 different technical softwares/services.

Primary focus
Imagine the company you work for requires a specific software or webservice for day-to-day operations. You have been tasked with evaluating the various options available and providing an assessment as to which service satisfies the company needs. Feel free to invent a hypothetical set of requirements and needs for the company. Make the requirements realistic and plausible. Make sure the company"s requirements are detailed enough so that your report leads to a single software/service selected.

The paper is to be written as if you were an expert in this area. For example, imagine your role as project manager/leader of data mining or hardware infrastructure. The situation would be as follows: the company requires a new database (for example) because the current one cannot handle their needs. They have asked you to identify a database that can handle their requirements. Do not just evaluate databases for general use.

Structure of Paper

1. Introduction (at least one paragraph)
2. Problem description (which includes a description of the problems the systems attempt to solve, the scope of problems addressed by each system, background, definitions, etc.)

3. Evaluation of the 5 systems
4. Conclusion of your evaluation (at least one paragraph). Also note it is recommended to anticipate and discuss future company needs (e.g., expansion, remote employees, downsizing, etc.) and whether the recommended software will be robust to such needs.

The paper should contain at least one table/chart

Possible Topics


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