Wednesday 1 March 2017

The African American Baptist Church Leaders Exploring Strategies for Retaining Revenues for the Community

Research Question 1.6
The research question for this study is: What strategies do some African American Baptist leaders use to increase revenue.

Interview Questions 1.9
1. What common barriers have you experienced when attempting strategies to increase revenue?
2. What precise strategies steps were helpful to increase revenue?
3. What successful strategies did you use when increasing revenue?
4. What would you consider to be your most successful funding campaign?
5. What are some business strategies you have used that worked successfully?
6. What are some facets of the business strategies you have used that you would adjust or change to meet future fundraising efforts?
7. Do you find your greatest success in increasing revenue comes from direct relationships you have formed with individuals or companies and organizations?
8. What has been your preferred method of advertising towards increasing revenue?
9. Would you consider using the Internet or social media to generate revenue?
10. Given the decline in church membership, do you believe new members must be recruited to generate revenue?
11. What has been your biggest challenge to date in generating revenue for the church?
12. Would you consider enlisting the community to assist with generating revenue?
13. Do you believe the community should be part of the solution since the church has served as an outreach for the community?
14. Do you believe community involvement would minimize issues or compound them?
15. How critical is generating revenue to sustaining community outreach efforts?
16. What are some alternatives to generating revenue to traditional means?
17. In terms of leadership, what is your preferred leadership style?
18. What leadership style do you think has been most effective in building your church and generating revenue for the community?
19. When working to generate revenues for the community, do you believe leadership is a necessary component to its success?
20. What percentage of outreach utilizing servant leadership does the African American Baptist church contribute to the community?
21. How do you motive and inspire your fellow servants and congregation towards creativity and innovation through leadership?

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