Wednesday 1 March 2017

"6. “Humans are pattern seeking animals and we are adept at finding patterns whether they exist or not” (adapted from Michael Shermer). Discuss knowledge questions raised by this idea in two areas of knowledge."

we deliver A grade essays in the following topics

Here are the prescribed essay titles for IB students taking their exams in May 2017.

1. “It is only knowledge produced with difficulty that we truly value.”

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

2. “Facts are needed to establish theories but theories are needed to make sense of facts.”

Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.

3. Should key events in the historical development of areas of knowledge always be

judged by the standards of their time?

4. “In the production of knowledge, traditions of areas of knowledge offer correctives

for ways of knowing.”  To what extent do you agree with this statement?

5. Given access to the same facts, how is it possible that there can be disagreement

between experts in a discipline?  Develop your answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.

6. “Humans are pattern  seeking animals and we are adept at finding patterns

whether they exist or not” (adapted from Michael Shermer).  Discuss knowledge

questions raised by this idea in two areas of knowledge.

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