Friday 10 March 2017

Locke’s Distinction between Primary & Secondary Qualities

Source: John Locke (An Essay Concerning Human Understanding)

Introduction: Briefly introduce the reader to the paper’s topic, structure, and conclusions.
Part One: Locke’s Essay is famous for its discussion of the distinction between primary and secondary qualities. Your first task is to explain what this distinction amounts to. To do this, you should not only provide examples of qualities that count as primary and others as secondary, but also present the criterion by which Locke distinguishes between primary and secondary qualities.
Part Two: Locke presents several arguments against the reality of secondary qualities. Your second task is to explain 1-2 of these arguments that you think are the most compelling.
Part Three: Your third task is to evaluate Locke’s arguments explained in Part Two. That is to say, you should raise the strongest objection or reason for doubt you can think of against Locke’s argument(s), and then to evaluate whether Locke might have the resources for responding to that objection or reason for doubt. On this basis, you should come to a conclusion (even if just tentative) about whether you think Locke’s distinction between primary & secondary qualities is persuasive.
Conclusion: Briefly summarize what you have accomplished in the paper.

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