Monday 13 March 2017

Effects of poverty on education

Essay 2: A Research Analysis: Critically Responding to Carl Hart"s High Price
Purpose: For this essay, you will analyze and research a theme of your choice in Carl Hart"s High Price
Audience: Anyone who has read Hart"s memoir.
Learning Outcomes: In this assignment, you will practice three of our course’s learning outcomes: Write effective expository and argumentative essays in formal edited English (Outcome 2), document use of sources appropriately (Outcome 3) and respond critically to texts (Outcome 4).
Sources: You must use quotes and citations from 3 credible outside sources as well as the primary source: Carl Hart"s High Price. To document these sources, you should use MLA internal citation and attach a Works Cited Page at the end.
Sources to AVOID: Please be cautious about using .com sources or blogs unless you can verify the author’s credibility (scholar, journalist, expert in the subject etc.). Instead rely upon credible newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, university/college websites, and Inver’s Library databases. You can use Wikipedia as a vehicle for locating sources, but please do not use it as one of your required sources. If you have any questions about your sources, please ask!
1. Hart notes that growing up poor--often without stable housing--impacts learning, language acquisition, and parenting styles. What affect does Hart"s environment (his family, his neighborhood, and his peer groups) have upon his success in school? How does Hart"s situation reflect what research shows about the connections between poverty and educational success? How does his story challenge the research? Be sure to locate 3 credible sources. Consider using the search terms "housing and academic achievement" or "poverty and vocabulary" or "poverty and student engagement."

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