Wednesday 8 March 2017

Drag-and-Drop Programming as a Learning Resource

Topic of research paper will be about the benefits of “Drag-and-drop” style programing languages (such as Scratch) and how they could be used in elementary schools as a computer science class. The topic is not firm yet, so feel free to explore other areas in this proposal.
Write a research proposal that contains the following sections:

Title page. Include personal data and working title that includes the target audience
Include page numbering at the bottom
Use 1" margins all around
Single-space text and double-space between paragraphs
Pick your own typefaces based on the readings - serif for body, sans serif for headings
Use headings/subheadings with consistent visual cues
Audience scenario. One or two sentences that describes your target audience. It must be a professional organization that can take action based on the recommendations of your final report. It may not be a general audience. You may also include a secondary audience if applicable.
Abstract/summary (1-2 paragraphs). Identify the research question for your target audience, issue, argument, or problem and why the topic is significant
Introduction (2-3 paragraphs).
Include a one-paragraph opening that states your central research question clearly and immediately.
Describe the controversy - why is everyone not in agreement? (If everyone agrees on the answer to your question, it isn"t a good topic for analysis.)
Provide a sketch of what we are going to learn as the result of the proposed project that we do not know now and why it is worth knowing.
Review of Research Literature (3-4 paragraphs).
Elaborate on your research question, argument, or problem. Provide evidence of why it is important.
Describe the current research on the topic as it applies to your research question, citing important contributions by other researchers/scientists in the field. Refer to your sources (listed on the bibliography) where appropriate, using APA citation (Links to an external site.).
Demonstrate that you have the knowledge, ability, and resources to address this research question for your target audience.
Research Methods and Timetable (3-4 paragraphs). Explain your research design, and outline your plan of action. List the specific methods you will use to research your issue. Provide a timetable for completing your project with specific dates.
Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs). Describe in detail the expected outcome of your research project, in terms of how it would impact your target audience. You should not attempt to answer the research question at this point.
Bibliography. In APA format (Links to an external site.), list what sources you intend to use for this project, including:
All of the sources referenced in this document, including at least four scholarly sources (Links to an external site.)
At least one source cntaining quantitative data (Links to an external site.) from research study
Note that a complete paragraph for the purpose of this assignment is a minimum of around 150 words. This is not a hard-and-fast rule for ALL paragraphs; it"s only meant as a guide for this assignment.

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