Saturday 11 March 2017

Control of Lower Extremity Dynamic Alignment

scholarly essay reviewing the research literature

Essay question: Is it preferable to control axial and coronal alignment of the lower extremity kinetic chain from above (hip joint) or below (foot)? Discuss theory and evidence (latter preferred if available).

Background: Increasing evidence suggests that undesirable movements or stresses in the axial and coronal planes contribute to several disorders, including ACL rupture and patello-femoral syndrome (among others). Some practitioners advocate controlling foot motion (via shoes, orthotics, foot/calf exercises); while others advocate hip exercises. They cite both theory and some evidence (limited but increasing) to support their positions.

The essays should be no less than 7 pages, and no more than 8 pages (not including any title page, diagrams, tables, sidebars, or the reference list), double-spaced, using an 11 or 12 point font, with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins. These essays should make thorough reference to the relevant scholarly literature using Vancouver-style bibliographic format. You should cite as much relevant literature as may be necessary to address your topic in an authoritative and scholarly fashion. The essays will be marked using a rubric that assigns 40% of the essay mark to content, 20% to organization, 20% to scholarship, and 20% to writing skill and English usage.

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