Friday 10 March 2017

Music 101 (Classical Music) course. Write A Concert Report

Concert Report Guidelines

Music 101

Come prepared to listen attentively and to focus your mind on the music and on the performance.
Be sure to arrive at least 15 minutes before the starting time, so that you can find your seat, get settled, and read the program.  If you are driving, allow additional time to park—the garage and lots can often fill quickly for large concerts.
Please do not take notes during the performance—it’s extremely disruptive for the people around you. If you wish to jot down some impressions, do so during the intermission or right after the performance.
While the music is being played do not talk or even whisper.  The tiniest sound (or movement) can disturb the performers, as well as those seated around you.
Save your clapping for after an entire piece or group of pieces has been performed. If in doubt, wait until a majority of audience members have begun clapping and then join in.

For your response:

400 words, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font
Work turned in late will be docked one letter grade per weekday
Your writing must be polished.  Any work turned in with typos or mistakes that spell-check would have caught will be docked at least one letter grade.
Please focus your response on the following questions:

What stuck out for you the most about the concert-going experience?  The crowd?  The rituals?
What piece did you enjoy the most?  Why?
How well did you think the music was performed?  Did one performer in particular stick out for you?
Choose one work and describe what you felt this music was “about.”  Did it tell a story to you?  Or was it more a series of feelings or moods?  Were you drawn in?  Compare your experience of this work with the description given to you in the program notes for the concert.

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