Monday 13 March 2017

A Passionate and Polemical Manifesto regarding democracy!

Please write this in a way that communicates your case to a public of your choosing.
The writing needs to be polemical and passionate. You will need to focus on making a clear, strong argument.

You can add information and examples but it won’t need the usual academic referencing style (you may want to cite some figures or data to back you up, but it is your words and ideas that count).
EITHER: a personal manifesto about democracy … ‘Democracy matters to me because …’ OR:
a political manifesto for democracy … ‘Democracy would work much better if …’ OR:
a manifesto with a geographical bent for a particular place, or linking places around a common concern and examples might be: ‘A democratic experiment for East London would be …’ or ‘A democracy for the Anthropocene has to include …’. This needs to start with the place or concern ‘XX needs democracy because …’

I can send a voice note of the lectuters comments on what they are expecting. It can be literally anything, which you think there is a need for democracy (etc), please have a look at the example I am attatching, I would like the work to be produced in this style.

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