Thursday 9 March 2017


Please continue from where i have started i have done 2100 words and my lecturer say its ok, it is in doc format.
but my format is not right,
please DO the TABLE OF CONTENTS and changes can be made of what i have done, example the hypothesis can be changed or anything which does not match, the sample of the previous dissertation , PLEASE FOLLOW THE FORMAT FROM THE COURSE HANDBOOK, EXAMPLE STYLE AND CHAPTERS FORMAT.
Any questions please email me . thankyou very much
Harvard referencing must be done.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Brand loyalty can be seen throughout the world in every industry whether they are product or service related. Consumers have different reasons for why they put their trust into a particular brand, but how loyal are they and what factors impact their decisions to stay with that brand? Few studies appear to be available on the buying behaviours and brand loyalty of adults over the age of 50. With lower rates of disability, modern medicine, better insights into lifestyles and other environmental influences, a growing number of people are remaining healthy and social into advanced ages (NIA, 2014). This means that an increasing number of mature adults are driving through to their old age and beyond, therefore becoming an increasingly significant market to be aware of. The literature review seeks to investigate several empirical studies about brand loyalty and what factors have an impact on brand loyalty in the automobile industry to drivers over the age of 50. This research paper further uses primary research to collect data, using questionnaires with a sample size of 70 respondents and interviewing with a sample of 10 interviewees, to analyse and understand if this segment of the population is brand loyal to car manufacturers. Additionally if they are; then what makes them brand loyal, as well as whether or not their loyalty can be broken by other brands to draw them away from the competition. The findings from the literature within this paper have contributed to the formulation of a conceptual model containing five hypotheses centered on the different factors surrounding brand loyalty in consumers over the age of 50. The results of this research paper suggest a positive link between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. It further suggests that the link between customer satisfaction is increased when considering age as a moderating factor, suggesting that brand loyalty is increased within consumers as they get older. Moreover, this research has found a positive relationship between the increased expendable income found in the older population and the contribution it has towards brand loyalty. However, this research has found some new evidence contradictory to previous research that the older segment of the population are likely to go through an extensive decision making process when looking to purchase a new car, considering a wide range of options before arriving on their decision. Whilst previous literature would suggest that the older population incurs shrinkage in their decision making process, new studies help give reason as to why this is a changing phenomenon within the older generation through becoming younger in body and mind, as well as living longer. This has led to a positive relationship between consumer’s decision making process and brand loyalty, when age is a moderating factor. Moreover, this research has found that there is a positive relationship between the discovery of new information and brand loyalty, when age is a moderating factor. Whilst previous literature suggests that older consumers consider less brands when looking to purchase a new product, this research discovers how changes in the way older consumers think as well as the availably and access to new information through such means of television and internet have changed older consumers ability to be more informed about what’s on offer to them than ever before.

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