Saturday 11 March 2017

Domestic & International Terrorism

HLS 6050 Research Paper (30 points)
The purpose of this 10-15 page paper (not including title page and references – no abstract is required) is to explore how you can apply what you have learned about Homeland Security and its approaches to include, rule of law, historical references, and strategies in order to develop an ability to work on a specific problem of practice. You may wish to consider the problem of practice you explored from Discussion Board posts.

Examples of topics can include: Strategies of homeland security, specific organizations within HLS, Goals of HLS, Organizational implications of leadership on HLS, Strategy law and policy, threats real or perceived, Domestic vs. International, or any approved relevant topic.

Your analysis should include the following components:
· Introduction (brief introductory remarks, purpose of paper, organization of paper – 1page).
· Body of Paper: 11-12 pages
· Part 1: A clear definition and context for your problem of practice.
· Part 2: An organized discussion of the research literature that supports your
chosen approach to the identified problem of practice (include at least 5 recent
studies published in professional journals.
· The studies selected should provide support and/or illumination for the research topic you present.
· Part 3: Delineation, with careful explanation and justification from
· studies, of the research topic that can generate possibilities for innovation and action.
· ? Conclusion: (brief wrap-up of key ideas and concepts – 1 page).
Please Note:
? APA 6th ed. Guidelines and formatting must be used.
? Make sure you are correctly identifying all sources.

Make sure you put quotation marks around any direct quotation and CITE it. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the paper. I would prefer you paraphrase and not use quotes.

· The body of the paper should include 1-inch margins (check this as it is not always the WORD default), double-spaced and not to exceed 15 pages (minus title page and reference pages).
· Use the Template from under the resource tab.

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