Monday 13 March 2017

Jealousy, Adultery, and Betrayal, Themes in biblical text

The written paper should focus on a particular text (or texts) from the Hebrew Bible that addresses this theme or topic.

The research project should incorporate (at least) these seven aspects.

1) A thesis, concept, or question that the paper will address,

2) an introduction and overview of the topic, concept, or theme


3) a presentation and analysis of the chosen text(s) drawing on its

(their) historical and cultural context;

4) a coherent argument or presentation that supports the writer’s

thesis using the text(s) chosen and any additional materials

uncovered in research;

5) a conclusion, drawing on the argumentation presented to arrive at a

reasonable and logically supportable answer;

6) an addendum of personal reflections (consisting of no more than 1

page total) that specifically address how and why this research was

chosen, what you gained or learned from working with it, and how it

has challenged your preconceptions or enhanced your understanding

of the topic and the biblical material; and

Religion 326 - Rabbi Joe Blair – Syllabus – FALL 2016 Page 7

7) a list of the works referenced and used in producing the paper in

appropriate citation format, with no fewer than three legitimate works


TOPIC: Jealousy, Adultury, and Berayal as themes in the text

(T) The Jewish Study Bible, Ed. Berlin. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014.

(H&P) Harris, Stephen L. and Platzner, Robert L., The Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, 2nd Edition, Sacramento, California State University, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2008, or later.

(T)- Leviticus 1-10, 12-13, 15, 18-19
(H&P): Chap 9-10

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