Wednesday 8 March 2017

Space Exploration of the Future

Formal Information Research Report
For this research paper, choose one of the specified topics from the Research Paper Topics file on Moodle (first come first served basis) and prepare an information-based research report using a formal report format.

● No printed report will be submitted, only an electronic MS Word document (no other file formats will be accepted)
● Use Letter size paper
● Use 12-point Serif font for the body (regular text). Ex: Times New Roman, Garamond…
● Use Sans Serif font for headings. Ex: Arial, Comic Sans, Berlin Sans…(Choose one and be consistent)
● Double space this document. This paper will end up being approximately 8-10 pages long including front and back matter.
● Set Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins at 1”.
● Avoid using any MS Word report templates, as they are unacceptable for this assignment.
● Include a footer with the page numbers in the center. Use Roman numerals for the Executive Summary and Table of Contents, and Arabic digits for the body and Reference page. (Section breaks will need to be inserted after the Title Page, and Table of Contents page for these page numbers to work) NOTE: There is no page number on the letter of transmittal.
● Include a header with your first and last name and Section number 10 pt. font size on the right hand side of the page. This header runs on the report’s body only.
● Attach a simple title page to this paper with the research paper title, course name and number, your name, your section, instructor’s name, and due date horizontally and vertically centered on page.
● Attach a Letter of Transmittal, Table of Contents, and Executive Summary in that order. (See sample report)
● Have an introduction section stating the purpose/defining the subject/providing sufficient background information/outlining methodology and sources used. (Refer to sample report)
● Have a report body exhibiting sufficient content (between 1,500 – 1,700 words) related to context as stated in the introduction/appropriate section and headings/a correctly labeled and sourced visual/other visual aid support e.g. charts and tables. (Refer to sample report)
● Include a summary reflecting the report’s main idea and exhibits a clear link between information/insights presented in the body, and the purpose stated in the introduction.
● NOTE: This is an information report, so no opinions are reflected. (Refer to sample report)

● Use objective (third-person) style throughout the report (No “I” or “you”).

● In order to maintain credibility, it is important to obtain information from a variety of sources. Use information from a minimum of five different sources, including at least three library database sources. Sources must be current (no older the 2007) and could include books, magazines, internet sites, company literature, and conversations or correspondence with people from a business.
● Ensure the web sites used are either Canadian or American sites. Acceptable web sites include .edu, .org, .gov, .ca etc. Limit the use of site domains such as .com, .net, or .biz because these are commercial sites and information can be biased. It is best to balance these .com sites with sites from other locations. Pamphlets and corporate sites are to be used at a minimum. Do not use Wikipedia.
● Demonstrate the use of APA documentation style within the paper including direct quotes, summarizations, paraphrases, ellipses and brackets. Failing to do so results in possible plagiarism. NOTE: Research papers handed in without documentation (in-text citations and or References page) will receive a zero.
● Include at least one in-text citation per source to refer readers to the source of borrowed information, ideas, or data taken. List the detailed sources at the end of the report on a page entitled "References". Failing to do so results in possible plagiarism.
● Upload a copy to of your report done in MS Word to the Moodle Drop Box.

The outline is due March 10th. The instructions are in Outline activity on Moodle
The final project is due end of day April 2nd.

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