Wednesday 8 March 2017

Describe the arguments that have been made for the privatization of public services

Your midterm exam (worth 10 points) consists of one short essay that answers the following question. How well you answer the question (writing style is "mostly" error free; and you make relevant arguments using the textbook as a resource) will determine how many points you receive for the essay.

Johnson, William C. (2014). Public Administration: Partnerships in Public Service. (Fifth Ed.). Waveland Press. 13-digit ISBN: 978-1-4786- 1090-8.

Essay topic: "Describe the arguments that have been made for the privatization of public services."

A maximum of two pages, 1" margins, 12 point font, no cover page, name at top of paper. Get to the point(s) and don"t waste space in your paper setting the stage for what you are about to say. Submit your essay via Blackboard.

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