Saturday 11 March 2017

Refection essay 4

Discuss the geographic problems and prospects for the creation of a Kurdish state, and for a Palestinian state. Is either (or both) of these states likely to happen with the next 10 or 20 years?

Answer this question from the point of view of a geographer by looking at positive and negative factors of geopolitics, environment and natural resources, economy, and social and cultural issues. Although the text explicitly discusses both the Kurdish and Palestinian state issues, based on your growing skills as a geographer you should be able to see other factors that are covered in the text that also relate to this issue.

There are no "right" answers to this complex question, but there clearly are wrong answers. A wrong answer is one that doesn"t fully engage the main issues that are covered in your text.

Your essay must be at least 600 words, all of them your own. As with the other essays, do not plagiarize. Also, because this a a political topic you might be tempted to give your opinion in your answer. No opinions are needed or acceptable here. Instead, you will give your analysis, your conclusion, of the information that you present.

NOTE: You must format your work according to the required Technical Aspects described in the course syllabus: a) 12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Garamond, or Book Antiqua); one-inch margins all around; double-spaced; and, number the pages.

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