Friday 10 March 2017

Problem/solution essay

Write a four to six page Problem/Solution paper on the topic of your choice. Topics must be approved by the instructor. Other argument modes, such as definition, cause/effect, or compare/contrast may overlap with your problem/solution essay. However, make sure to choose the best format for your argument. You must use at least three sources to support your argument. Include and rebut at least one counterargument follow Toulmin logic strategies for argument. Follow MLA guidelines for citing sources. **Remember to include a cover page, an outline, and a works cited page.**
Some stale, over-argued topics to avoid (unless your perspective is extremely original and provocative) include:
Illegal immigration
Gun control
Global warming
Smoking laws
• Length: 4 – 6 pages
• Use 12 point Times New Roman font and double-space your essay.
• Leave 1” (2.5cm) margins top, bottom, left and right and staple your work in the top left hand corner.
• Type your essay’s title and personal details and center them on the cover page:

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