Friday 3 March 2017

Austria-Hungary"s role in causing WWI

Causes of WWI Paper

Europe was a powder-keg before WWI waiting to explode. Write a three-page paper (double spaced) outlining the reasons your assigned nation went to war. Papers should include rational for taking sides, objectives of your nation, policy goals, as well as P.E.R.S.I.A . reasoning for taking sides. Please list the international disputes that pushed certain nations closer together as well as issues that drove nations further apart. What events occurred that led to conflict and what was the rationale of your nation during such events?

Please use three sources.


In 1871, William II of Germany refused to renew the Russian-German Reinsurance treaty. Where does your nation stand?
• Where do the nations stand within the system of alliances promoted by Bismark in 1879-1918
• In 1877-78 Russia was victorious in a war with the Ottoman Empire. Where does your nation stand and why?
• Europe now begins to have two rival blocks
• In 1900 Germany decided to expand its battle fleet. Where does your nation stand and why?
• In 1905 Germany attempts to gain control of Morocco. Where does your nation stand?
• In 1908 Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.
• 1914 Archduke Francis Ferdinand heir to the Austrian throne is assassinated by Serbian revolutionaries. Where does your nation stand and why?

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