Friday 3 March 2017

canterbury tales prologue character follies essay

Essay Topic: Chaucer’s prologue to The Canterbury Tales is considered by many to be one of the great satiric texts written in the English language. Like many satires, the prologue exposes the follies and corruptions of its time through the use of characters too depraved to recognize their own and others’ moral transgressions. Often, both the pilgrims and the narrator seem unable or unwilling to criticize what to the reader appear to be clear inversions of the moral code. Write an essay that examines how Chaucer uses characters in his prologue to expose the follies and corruptions of medieval society. In crafting your essay, keep your remarks confined to one or two characters or passages, and be sure to note the textual features that enable you to identify Chaucer’s argument.

Format: Write a three page essay on the following topic that establishes a focused argument through close reading; you should quote the text you’re discussing in each paragraph. Because this is a very short paper, you should not write separate introductory or concluding paragraphs.
11 or 12-point font
standard margins
your name and the essay’s title on the first page (no separate title page)

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